chapter one- the return

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   Sunlight beams through the white blinds of my window, polaroid pictures clipped on, blocking out some of the light. I remembered this date last year, the first day of Wizard Academy. Things have changed so much since then. My hair is now long and black, and I have gotten taller and a bit fatter. My cat purrs in my ear, taking me back to reality. I shouldn't go back to the academy knowing what people will be there, but it's worth getting to see Megan again.
   My alarm goes off for a second before I turn it off. My bare feet hit the cold maple-colored hard wood floor of my bedroom. My mom comes bursting through the door.

"Selena! Time for your return to the Academy!"

"Mom, give me like, five more minutes please."

"But the bus will be here in seven minutes, Selena! You have to get ready now!"

   I hop out of my bed and throw on my outfit. It consists of a purple hat, purple dress, and black boots. The bathroom light still flickers from where I broke it with a broom. I straighten my hair lazily and brush my teeth. A honk alarms me and I rush outside to the bus. The bus driver welcomes me aboard and I spot Megan in the back of the bus. I run back to her and plop down beside her. "OH MY GOD! SELENA HOW ARE YOU?!" Megan screams excitedly. "I'm so happy to see you! That's how I am!" I yell back as we start laughing a bit.
   She pulls out a dark chocolate bar out of her luggage. "Want some?" She asks. "Uh, sure!" I reply back. Just as I am about to plop it into my mouth, the bus zooms off at record speeds. "Oh my god!" I shout scared half to death. "Just eat the chocolate Selena." Megan says giggling. "Okay." I say as I taste the sweet-bitter chocolate against my tongue. "This is so good!" I exclaim to Megan. "I know right!" She replies back.


   "Next stop, Wizard Academy!" The bus driver yells into the bus microphone as we land at the academy. Finally, I am back to the best place on Earth.

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