Red and Blue Mixing Together

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When Jinwoo woke up, it was already afternoon. He spend the whole night crying again. Since the incident, he hasn't been sleeping well. Whenever he lays down in bed, he can only think of him. His blinding smile and the way his eyes would crinkle whenever he smiled. His loud laugh that would sound through the whole apartment and the weird sounds he'd make when being particularly happy.

He missed his blonde, tousled mop of hair that he'd love running his hands through and he missed the purr the other would let out whenever he did that. He missed his hands that would perfectly fit together with his, the way he'd search for his hand whenever they were going somewhere and the way he clutched his hand tighter when Jinwoo was not paying attention to him.

He missed the body lying next to him at night, the warmth his body would provide and his amazing cuddles. He always felt so protected and safe with him.

But he missed the other's lips the most. The way they'd feel against his, soft and sweet like honey. How their lips would fit perfectly together, how he'd bite his lip when he got bored of simply kissing and how they'd fight for dominance with their tongues, knowing really well that Jinwoo would back down in the end because he didn't have quite as much energy as the other.

He missed their weekly karaoke sessions in their cozy living room and the way the other's voice would sound, he never heard such a beautiful voice before. While Jinwoo wasn't really the best singer, the other sung perfectly, hit every high note and made goosebumps appear on Jinwoo's skin.

He missed everything about him and now with him gone, it felt like there's no sunshine in his life anymore, Myungjun was his sunshine.
Myungjun, Kim Myungjun.

He was his boyfriend for 4 years until Jinwoo fucked up and now all the has left of him are broken dreams, memories that make his heart hurt and Myungjun's oversized black sweater that still smelled like him.


Jinwoo and Myungjun met the first time in college. It was Jinwoo's first day and the only people he knew were Juho and Wonwoo, a pair of twins who were in his class since kindergarten. All three of them loved to rap and wanted to take up music and producing in university. While Wonwoo and Juho have always been more serious than Jinwoo, they wanted to produce albums while Jinwoo was more into film music.

He loved how music could set the mood for anything in a movie and how it pronounces the actor's feelings. Music can change a movie to something really beautiful and that's why he loved it. He has always been a bit dreamier as his friends.

So while Juho and Wonwoo went to their first lecture, Jinwoo had enough time to check out the university's café. Due to the university being specialized in performing arts, it was a bit on the smaller side and very creative to boost the students' inspiration. You could see unique architecture, graffiti and very different interior than you'd expect from a university. The café was not a difference there.

It was on the outskirt of the university grounds and kind of looked like a big orange-brown ball. Jinwoo thought, it kind of looked like a pumpkin. Inside there were lots of cozy booths with lots of fluffy pillows and Jinwoo swore he saw a cat disappearing under one table when he entered. He walked up to the counter to ring the bell, seeing as nobody was at the counter.

"Myungjun, can you please go to the counter? We have a customer!" a boy yelled. One minute later, a boy with fluffy black hair came out of the door connecting kitchen and customer area, giving Jinwoo a blinding smile.

"What do you want today?" the guy, Myungjun, asked with a cheery voice.

Jinwoo took another look at him. He seemed to be around his height, maybe a bit older. Though what Jinwoo noticed first was how absolutely beautiful the boy was. His eyes, his lips, his perfect face, even his hands looked pretty. But most importantly, he seemed to be oozing happiness and his smile made Jinwoo's stomach feel funny. He never believed in Love at First Sight, just calling it a myth because you have to know a person to fall in love with them but apparently Myungjun proved him wrong.

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