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Zariana left me in our room since this morning. I'm hungry but I don't feel like getting up. I'm in the mood for IHOP or what's in the cafeteria. When I hear a knock on the door, I don't get up. But then they keep knocking so I get out of bed and open the door. It's him.

"Why are you here Damien?" He walks pass me into the room and sits on the bed.

"I just wanted to come see you. And Zariana texted me." Of course. He didn't come on his own terms.

"Why do you wanna see me? You're the one that left me." He sighs and runs his hand through his red colored hair.

"Don't bring that back up."

"Just sayin," I sit on my bed and scroll through my phone, "but again, why are you here?"

"We need to talk."


"Us, and about the baby."

"I don't know why. You left me when you found out I was pregnant. You know how I felt that day? You left from one of the mistakes you made." I look up and start to tear up.

"Jaiden, stop. I know & im sorry."

I roll my eyes. "I've heard that plenty of times." He gets off of Z bed and comes to stand in front of me.

"I know," I look at him and turn away from him, "& I mean it this time."

"Sure you do."

"Can you just listen to me instead of making me feel bad?"

"You feel bad? Wowww. Ok. You got 5 minutes so talk." He sighs and sits next to me. I move away from him and he sighs again.

"So, I want to help with you know-"

"The baby?"

"Yeah. Uh, and I wanna get back together." Is he serious?

"You can't be serious."

"I am. I still love you Jaiden." Now he's lying.

"Just shut up. You don't love me. If you did, you would've stayed with me and you wouldn't be around with all these girls every time I see you. Don't tell me you still love me when I know that you know you don't! You can't just come around and tell me tha-," all of a sudden he kisses me and I pull away, " Get out! Please leave." He's taken aback and looks shocked that I didn't kiss him back. He doesn't listen so I push his chest for him to get off the bed.

"Get out!" I start crying and feel like I'm getting  dizzy.

"Ok. I'm leaving." He opens the door to leave out. I then fall on the floor and I can see he comes back.

"Jaiden!" My vision starts to give out on me and it goes black.

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