Chapter One

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The waves crashed against each other, tearing each other apart. It was like watching a brawl between two big rivals, fighting for dominance. Who would come out victorious? Who would be pushed down into the sand, dissolving into nothing? Who would win. 

Eventually the larger wave won, pushing the smaller down, letting it cease to exist. It seemed that the bigger one always came out victorious in the end. The weaker inevitably lost, due to the sad fate of Mother Nature.

The waves that came to the shore tickled my toes, establishing their presence, reminding me of where I was. I lifted my chin higher, watching the foggy sky as I stepped further into the cold water, letting my toes and feet be covered by the salty water. The water pulled back, and I stepped further in, feeling the soft sand underneath. 

I loved the feel of the beach, the calming air it had, the way the wind brushed through my hair, whispering in my ears, the tenderness of the damp sand. The beach was my home. A lot of people loved it for the sexy looking bikinis, hot guys, and tanning out in the sun, but I loved it for the peace it provided. It made my life seem calm and painless, as if there were no worries at all. 

I felt a pull. Like someone was urging me to walk further and further into the water, until it was up to my waistline. My dark blue dress stuck to my legs under the water, no longer flowing about my figure. 

Soon enough I was swimming through the water, the coldness of it forgotten as my body adjusted to the temperature. I simply smiled and waded about the ocean water, dodging waves that threatened to crush me. I loved the feeling of the water consuming me, taking me into its dark depths. 

That peaceful feeling of calm soon washed away, when I heard the jarring sound of thunder, and I looked up. The clouds had grown considerably darker than before, and I could no longer see the sky. More thunder sounded, and I looked around, bringing myself up to a standing position in the water. A storm. I had to get out before--

I was too late. A wave suddenly crashed over me, pulling me down into its depths, as if my feet were chained to the bottom of the sea. I fought to get to the surface, my lungs screaming for air. I had to get out. I couldn't die like this. Not in the one place I loved most. I had to fight against the waves and get to shore.

My head broke the surface, and the sky was completely black from the storm, but another wave came over me, shoving me back down. I kicked and fought against the current, trying to get my head back up, willing the storm to end. How did this storm suddenly come to pass? It was a little foggy, but I went to the beach on foggy days all the time. Why today? It was as if Mother Nature decided to have a fit for no reason at all.

It kept happening. As soon as I took a breath, I was yanked back down, once again fighting for my life. And every time, I seemed to be going farther ad farther into the sea's depths. I was going to die. I knew that now. There was no way I could survive. I was going to die here, lost in the water, the place I had loved so dearly. 

It was over.

I finally gave out, my legs unable to fight for me anymore. I felt my body begin to sink, and my lungs, too, failed. I would not survive. This was the end of my short life. As the world began to blacken and fade away, my body slipping into unconsciousness, I heard a voice whisper, Not yet, darling Sarah...

Not yet. 



So I apologize for the rather short first chapter! I just wanted to get this started off at least! I'm really excited for this story since it's a plot I haven't seen in a Panfic before! My lovely friend Farawayinaland asked me to write this plot, and I LOVED the idea so here it is! 

Please guys, vote and comment! It really keeps me going with stories! 

I named the main girl Sarah since Sarah (lovely friend ^) gave me the idea!! Hope you like it, Sarah!! c:

IG: pannyxkay

Twitter: xrobbiepan

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