More Than A Game

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I'm walking around and getting used to my surroundings so I'm more familiar with Freddy's. Even so I'd rather not see some of the stuff like the rotting corpses in the Backstage.

I walk around the corner and I see purple curtains with magenta stars. Pirate Cove. How will Foxy act if he sees me? Well I'll have to confront him eventually, right?

I take a deep breathe and walk over to the Pirate Cove. I use my hand and lightly push the curtain aside.

I see Foxy, sitting there deactivated and head laying low. His jaw looks broken and has holes in his robotic legs. Brown fabric is the top half of of his legs while the other half is red fabric like the rest of his body, excluding his metal hook and his black eye patch. His left ear is on a lean like its dismantled in that way and his red fabric tail lays behind him. He has a few items in the darkness like plush toys or board games. How sweet.

"U-um Foxy? Are you alive? If so am I aloud to come in?" I ask.

His jaw moves a little but still seems broken.

"Yes lassy. Ye aloud to come in." He says, he seems to be able to talk with a broken jaw and his pirate accent is thick.

I shiver and close the curtain behind me. He lifts up his head and his yellow eye lights up as I sit down in front of him, he smiles at me.

"Hi Foxy." I wave.

"Hello lassy. What brings ya here to me pirate cove?" He asks with a smile.

"Well I was looking around the whole Pizzeria to get familiar with my surroundings because I signed up to the nightshift. Or was forced. Do-" I explain but I get interrupted by Foxy.

"Did ya say, forced?" He questions me.

"Yes. I was forced. I got transported into the game. A newspaper landed on my head and my arms were controlled to sign it. Do you know why that's happening?" I ask.

"Ar yes. This happens every ye. A kid or their friends get sucked inside the game and they have to actually survive us with real hours. But aye'm sorry lass, no one has survived the 7th night of being here. Ye be lucky if you have luck on your side and survive. But we sorry that you have to survive us. We can't control ourselves after 12 am." Foxy explains.

Never survived the 7th night!? As in 20, 20, 20, 20 mode!? I haven't beaten that yet and those aren't even real hours! So what will happen if I try it!? Will I die!? That's heavy stuff!

"Why can't you control yourself after 12 am?" I ask curiously, trying to keep my cool.

"Well because of ar animatronic self and not ar soul self, the robot inside us takes control and we don't know what happens that night. So if we attack ya, we don't know we did so and we're sorry for that." Foxy answers.

"Oh okay. So, are you really children inside animatronic suits?" I ask.

"Ar yes. We are indeed. During a very fun time at an older pizzeria, 5 kids including me were led in a room by a man wearing a golden rabbit suit. Aye was a little boy when this happened. Aye wore an eye patch back then too because aye was attacked by a dog. And aye still wear it as my memory." He explains with a sad tone.

"I'm so, so sorry." I whisper.

"Oh don't be sorry lassy. It wasn't ye fault and we can't change the past now." He shrugs.

"So I guess I need to leave now and observe else where. Bye Foxy it was nice talking to you." I say getting up.

"Wait! Can ya please stay with me for a little while! I get ever so lonely in me cove and I don't have anyone to play these games with." He begs, pulling out board games and making puppy dog eyes. Well, with one yellow eye at least.

There are all sorts of games like monopoly, bop it, cards, chess and much, much more.

"Well, how long would you like me to stay?" I ask.

"Whats the time?" He asks.

I shiver up. My phone and small flashlight was in my pocket but when I went into the game, Enard might've taken it from me. And don't ask why I had my flashlight too.

I reach into my pocket to see if its there and I sigh in relief, I can feel my cold torch and my phone in there.

I pull out my phone and switch it on to see my cat, Shelby's face there on my lock screen. 12:13 pm.

"Its 12:13 pm." I answer looking up from my phone.

"Go get some pizza for lunch and bring me a slice too please. Can we play for an hour?" He asks.

"Sure! I'll be right back!" I smile.

I tuck my phone into my pocket as some people might think its weird to have something as high tech as it. I suppose your suspecting I have an iPhone like every other teenager. Nope. Its a Samsung galaxy with a blue case.

I step in line as I see Chica making the pizza. The other 2 are powered down right now, I suppose they also have their own roles for things in the pizzeria.

It eventually comes to where I'm in the front of the line and Chica greets me with the same look she gave everyone.

"What would you like on your pizza and how many?" She asks in her robotic voice, not the normal one she used before.

"Umm. Can in please have ham, cheese, pineapple and tomato on that and can I have 1 whole pizza please?" I ask.

"That'll be right up. What drink would you like?" She asks.

"Do you have Pepsi?" I ask.

"Affirmative." She nods.

She glides off and makes the pizza, while it cooks, she gets my drink. I actually feel sorry for what they have to do. And they're little kids too!

"Here ya go ma'am." She says and puts the pizza in a box and the drink in a plastic cup like they do with any other restaurant that I have back at home.

"Thanks Chica!" I smile.

I see her wink at me and I head back over to Pirate Cove.

I go through the curtain again and I sit back down with Foxy, drink at my side and I put the box in the middle of us.

"Arrrgh. Thanks matey for letting me share ye pizza." He smiles.

"Hey Foxy?" I ask.

He looks up at me with his yellow eye and then asks "Yar?"

"I forgot to ask before but how is your jaw broken and your ear?" I ask.

"Argh. Aye performed in the front of the building but on the ground with Freddy and the others in the past but there was a time when aye let myself show. There once was aye kid who was messin around with me and started to bug me. Aye tried not to let it effect me but it was annoying really. Aye thought if I bit him, he would stop but instead, he told his mama and they got security. They saw me active when aye shouldn't have been and a security guard punched me jaw and broke it. Aye was still twitching so he twisted me ear and broke that too, aye screamed out in pain but the scream sounded sketchy since me jaw was broken. Me servos locked up and aye was unconscious. Next thing aye know is that I'm here with a sign telling me aye was out of order. That was the worst day of my animatronic life." He sighs.

"Maybe I could try and fix you." I suggest.

"Really? Ya would do that for me?" He asks lighting up.

"I'll try me best!" I grin, trying to make a pirate accent.

He chuckled then seems to smirk at me. "After this, aye dare ya to play some games with me with a twist of truth or dare."

I think about that. His dares could be weird as well as the truths or they could be normal like saying what's your favorite animal?

"Okay. I accept your challenge." I smirk.

Survive 7 Nights ( A FNAF FanFiction, Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now