Coffee shop

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I walked into a coffee shop and sat down at one of the window seats. Looking around it was a small shop there wasn't many people there but that's not surprising considering it's around 10pm.

"May I take your order?" A stunning young man with black, bed hair asked,

"Um-m," 'Oh damn I studded' I thought mentally face palming feeling my cheeks heat a little. "I'll have a hot chocolate,"

"Would you like a marshmallow in it?" He asked


"Cool, is that all?"

"Yes, thank you,"

After that I watched him walk back to the counter. He started talking to an owl-looking worker.

Ignoring everyone I pulled out my PsP and started play on it. Reaching past level 10 on Sonic. A "Yes," Slipped out of my lips quietly. I covered my mouth with my hands hoping nobody heard that.

"Here you go," The black haired boy said putting down the cup in front of me. I put down my PsP onto the table.

"Thank you," I replied smiling at him,

He walked back to the counter where his owl friend was standing watching him. 'Man I wish I had friends like that' I thought.

I picked up the cup to drink out of it when I realized he had put two marshmallows in it. I couldn't contain a little smile.

After taking a sip I went to put the cup back down when I saw a little folded piece of paper. I picked it up and opened it.

It said;

Hey cutie here's my number **********.
Hope you like the little extra I added into you drink.
Come back again sometime.

I looked over to Kuroo who was leaning on the counter. He was staring right back at me. When we made eye contact he gave a little wink and shaped his hand like a phone then mouthed 'call me' while shaking his phone-hand.

I just laughed at his cockyness, feeling a light blush form on my cheeks. Then I pulled out my phone and texted the number.

The names Kenma 😘



It was another boring day at work. Until a short, cute boy came in.

"I'm gonna serve the new customer," Bokuto said starting to walk over to the window table.

"In your dreams bro," I said speed walking faster than him to the customer.

"May I take your order?" I asked trying to sound as cool as possible,

"Um-m," He stuttered his face forming a small flush. "I'll have a hot chocolate," he continued.

"Would you like a marshmallow in it?" I asked


"Cool, is that all?"

"Yes, thank you,"

I walked back over to Bokuto.

"Bro, why did you take my customer?" She said with a whiney tone.

"Because I've got a plan," I replied grabbing a cup from the shelf. "Can you get me a pen and paper?"

"Oh what are you gonna do?" He asked his face lighting up.

"You'll see,"

I made the Hot Chocolate and put two marshmallows in.

"What are you gonna write?" He asked handing me the stationary,

I took it from him and wrote a letter to the customer.

"Bro, you got this," Bokuto said nodding and giving the thumbs up after reading the message.

I turned around and looked to the small boy playing his video game.

"Yes" I heard him whisper. 'Must protect this boy at all costs' I thought while watching him cover his mouth.

I walked over to the table and placed the cup on top of the folded note.

"Here you go"

"Thank you," He said and shined the cutest smile. *THUMP* *THUMP* my heart said loudly.

I turned around and walked back to Bokuto. I leaned on the counter watching him open the note.

When he turned and looked back at me I winked and made a phone with my hand then mouthed 'call me' to him. I watched as his face became a light pink in the cheeks.

He pulled out his phone. Not long after I felt my phone vibrate.

The names Kenma 😘


If you've made it this far thank you for reading it. I hoped you liked this story!!

And have this amazing photo which made me think of writing this;

And have this amazing photo which made me think of writing this;

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