Jason lost his weapon [Oneshot]

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You were walking straight into the woods where there been old abandoned buildings up ahead of you. The place you were walking into was once a camp called Crystal Lake. After, a terrible tragedy it was closed down for good and was never heard from again, well except the scary stories people told at nights like these. Your legs were eventually getting tired of walking so, you went toward a log near the river bank and sat down looking off into the misty water in front of you. The crickets chirping and small faints of splashed water. You felt your eyes starting to slowly come down as you tried waking yourself up by holding your face.

Suddenly, you heard some rustling coming from behind you and saw Jason walking to you with his head hanging low. You sat up asking him " aww Jason, what's wrong? ", he shrugged sitting next to you as he laid his head on you as he sighed out sadly. He held out his hands making a shape of the machete he always had with him and 'poof'. You chuckled as you comforted him enough to say you were going to help him look for it. He immediately stood up and got excited as he gave you a big bear hug.

You smiled as he let go of you,
" okay, you look over there and I can look over here, alright ". He nodded and went the other direction from you as you went the other way looking behind trees and bushes. Underneath rocks and other things on the ground. As time went by you had no luck of finding his machete. You met up with Jason where you two were before and didn't see him with his machete.

You spitted out as Jason again walked with his head down to a big rock as he sat down on it looking miserable to not have his machete with him.

As a caring girlfriend you weren't going accept this want him to feel sad at all. So, you went over to cheer him up " hey jason, I can buy you another machete if you want ". He didn't look up and just sat there not saying word back.

You thought about it and grabbed your phone calling Michael Myers. He answered " hello ", " hey Michael, we have a problem ", there was silence for awhile " what is it this time, don't tell me he lost his weapon again", you looked over at Jason as he threw some rocks in to the lake. " yeah​, about that he actually did lose it again".

You heard a sigh over the phone " ugh, ok I'll be over in ten minutes ". You hanged up and kept looking for his weapon.

Michael came over and looked at jason, you ran up to Michael " hey ", he waved hi. " so, I looked over there and here so, you can look over there ", you said pointing near a bunch of trees.

Michael stayed silent and held something behind him. You tried to look over but, he turned slightly to the right. You crossed your arms and grinned " Michael ?", you raised a brow and he put his lips to his mouth making a "shushing whisper ".

Michael went over to Jason and pulled out his machete. Jason stood up and looked at Michael in a " annoying expression " and gave it to him.

With Jason's machete back he went back to slashing which was what he did best.

I know halloween has already passed but, I am bored and I never made one of these horror character fanfics. I hope you enjoy them!

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