My thoughts and dreams 11-1-16

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Lately all I can think about is my car accident... it is always on my mind... I don't know why but I can't get it out of my head...

The car accident:

I'm driving down the road with my friend just singing along to the radio, the next thing I know I'm slamming on the breaks and screaming, "Fuck!" The next thing I remember was opening my eyes and I was hanging from my seat belt. I immediately looked at my friend and asked her if she was okay and she said, "Yeah I'm awake but my legs are trapped." Then I noticed that my nose was bleeding really badly

I then went and grabbed my phone and called 911, as I was on the phone I unbuckled my seat belt and held myself up by the ceiling so I wouldn't fall on my friend. I tried my best to tell the operator where we were but I was so scared and I didn't know what to do.

When the EMT'S got there they had to cut barbed wire off my car and pulled the door open. They then put a C-Collar on my neck just incase I had neck injuries. They helped me out of the car and then some police officers had to help me onto the road. I didn't have my shoes and it was cold, I was so scared. When I got onto the road, I tried to call my mom but I couldn't get ahold of her. The cop that helped me out onto the road handed me his phone and he told me I could called anyone I needed to. I called my home phone at first and no one answered so I called my mom. The phone rang and rang, it felt like forever before my stepdad, Jason, answered the phone. So I told him what had happened and he said he was on my way.

I was still on the phone when the EMT told me to get into the ambulance to get my nose checked out and I told her that my wrist hurt too. I then started talking to my mom and I told her I wasn't going to hang up with her until Jason got to the scene. The EMT told me that she couldn't really do anything about my nose until we got to the hospital. She also said she was going to make a cast for my wrist so that I could relieve the pain. As she was putting the cast on me, Jason go there.

When he got there, I felt a little bit better because I knew that I was safe. I hung up the phone with my mom and I told Jason to find the cop whose phone that belonged to and to go check on my friend. I was really worried about her. He then came back as she was getting into the ambulance with me. The other EMT'S told me that I had to wait for the other ambulance because I couldn't ride with her.

So I got out of the ambulance and started to walk to Jason's truck to warm up. As I was walking to the truck, a cop stopped me and asked me to take a breathalyzer and to give me my $213 ticket for "Failure to maintain control of my vehicle" I wasn't going to fight with him about it but I think it is complete bullshit when I don't remember anything that happened. But I then got into the truck and warmed up a little bit before the other ambulance got there.

When the other ambulance got there, I had to get into the gurney and they strapped me in. As we were driving the EMT asked my if I wanted laughing gas through a face mask or an IV. Well my thought process was, "My nose is already swollen and hurting and I don't want to make it worse," So I told the EMT'S that I wanted the IV. The EMT'S then called another ambulance to get a pain control guy to help me out. They also started to take my blood pressure and heart rate and all that jazz.

When the other

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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