A Message

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Hello ladies and gents,

I'm just writing to you all, as I feel like I need to explain the reason behind my lengthy absence from Wattpad. Besides the part where I got a boyfriend, had a busy job, and attended university full time, I was also involved in an incredibly serious car accident. I was driving along on the highway when another car hit me, flipping my car 6 times. Thankfully, the only serious physical injuries I sustained were two compound fractures in my right hand - where the bones went all the way through my skin (I'm so sorry if that was too much information). I also broke my wrist, and spent time in hospital because of the damage. My car was completely ruined, and I lost the movement in my right hand, which I'm working each and every day to improve. I had metal rods, (which is an external fixation) through my arm for over a month that held my bones together, and wasn't able to go out in public to avoid the equipment being knocked. District nurses had to visit me every single day to clean the wounds, and despite being alive, I found that the accident brought such bitterness and negativity to my life that I never ever wanted, or expected. I had no choice but to quit my job, as well as hear from another employer who had agreed to hiring me prior to my accident, cancel my contract before it was finalised. Not only that, but I was informed by my university that I had no choice but to withdraw from my units due to the fact that I was unable to attend, offering no special consideration to my circumstances. Luckily, I still had the support of the very special people around me. I feel incredibly blessed to be alive, but other days it's so easy to focus only on the negatives, and what I've lost from this accident. I lost all of my independence, and I never realise how much I valued that. I found it extremely difficult asking for help to shower, dressing, or simply buttering a slice of toast, and my emotions were so erratic, that I couldn't keep up with them for the majority of the time. Getting back in the car again afterwards was extremely traumatising, and since the accident, I've now experienced panic attacks, and severe anxiety. Thankfully, I have a really great psychologist and physiotherapist who are helping me get through this ordeal, but in some strange way, this whole ordeal brought me back to Wattpad. With all this extra time on my hands, I began writing, and it felt satisfying to get back to something that I've always loved doing. It was so constructive to my wellbeing to have me doing something again that made me feel productive, when my emotional and physical state is so unpredictable. Admitting this weakness is personally very daunting for me, and I would really, really appreciate no negative feedback regarding the topic.

I'm not just here to explain my absence, but I also have some really exciting news for you all! If some of you haven't realised, currently I've been editing Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me. Mainly it was to refine the things I didn't like about it, but if you ever get the chance to reread the story, you'll definitely notice some enhanced differences. Don't stress - it's still the same story that you first read and loved, but with significantly improved changes. I also wanted to inform you all that whilst editing, I've had a chance to go over the storyline, and have begun brainstorming plot ideas for a Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me 2. So yes, a sequel is coming in the near future when I've finished editing. To those reading Ebony & Ivory, I apologise for the delay, but I want this finished just as much as you - if not, more! I know how this story is meant to end, and it's so powerful, and beautiful, and will make you feel things reading it regardless of which girl you favour. Ebony & Ivory is my creative baby, and I promise it will be finished. I'm really glad that I got to touch base with you all, and want to thank everyone for their patience for putting up with me during this time. I'd love it if you could please vote if you'd be interested in me completing my stories so I can get an indication of the amount of people that would be interested in this.

I also have a favour to ask for any of you readers that have a knack for the creative side of things. I made my cover for PPDPM, but am looking to have one made for me for the sequel. If anyone is interested in helping me out, please tag me on twitter, along with the hashtag #PPDPM2 and I will select my personal favourite. In return I'd love to follow you on social media, as well as fully crediting you, and shouting out your story on my Wattpad profile page. I'll leave the competition open until I begin writing, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to inbox me.

Thanks again for your comments of support. I can easily spend hours endlessly going through the messages from you beautiful people about how my stories have made you feel, and I can't explain the level of happiness it brings to me.

Love, Gemma x

Twitter: WordsWithGem
Instagram: gemma.allan
Snapchat: gemma.allan

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