The Breakup

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*Calvin's POV*

"Fuck off you bitch," Katie screamed at me! I don't even know what I did. Me and Katie had been dating for 2 years now, but recently she's been acting crazy. The only reason I dated her was because I had no other options. Good riddance.
"Say good bye to Katie," I said, sitting down with my friends. They all look shocked. "But you've been with her for so long!" Austin says. "I was with her for a long time," I correct him, " but not anymore she's a psychopath." They still look confused, but I don't feel like explaining. "Well let's celebrate," Niall says. Oops correction, Pyro, he hates being called Niall.
After school we decide that we're gonna go somewhere, no one really knows where so we're probably just gonna walk around the city uninterested. What city, you may ask, well fuck off. I walk home and look at the ground. A leaf falls on my face. "GET OFF I HATE LEAVES!" People look in my direction as I am flailing about trying to get the leaf off. I hate leaves and I will never be associated with them. When people think of leaves the last person they will think of will be me. Actually they won't think of me at all. I hate leaves. Fuck leaves. Why do I hate leaves, well...<FLASHBACK>... No, did you really think there was going to be a meaningful flashback this is not that kind of story, fuck leaves.
I get to my house and see my dad and next door neighbor arguing again... ugh. The living room has fall and thanksgiving decorations spread all around. It's holiday season again and my dad always goes all out. My neighbor is always in competition with him, for everything and the holidays are the worst time of year. I go to my room and look out my window. Our neighbor is playing the victim card again, well I guess that's typical Daniel Keem. I flop down on my bed. I'm just about to relax when...
"HEY WHATS UP GUYS ITS DAD HERE! My son Calvin is going to help with the decorations this year, so we might have a double holiday!" Ugh, I hate it when my dad just barges into my room and starts screaming. "No I'm not, I'm going out with my friends." I tell him. He looks disappointed. "Bye." I say leaving my room. I grab my jacket and hop on my bike. Yes my bike, I don't have a car. I am pretty fit though from riding my bike everywhere.
"Hey, Leafy." What! I slam on the breaks, but like on a bike. A car pulls up next to me. It's Stomedy, Keemstar's kid. "Hey Leafy, I saw you with that leaf earlier, hehehehehe." Stomedy has the most annoying laugh I've ever heard. "What do you want," I ask. "Your bike," he responds. No way I'm giving this blob of gelatin my bike. "What's taking so long," he asks tauntingly. "Why do you even want my back you already have that ugly ass car," I fire back, big mistake.
He opens the car door and steps out. His friends in the back seat cheer him on, I've never seen them before. He shoves me off the bike, I hit my head on the ground. I hear footsteps running towards me, no maybe away from me, I can't tell. I hear screaming and faintly see the car speed away. I'm really confused. Ok calm down, I'm just caught up in the moment. I take deep breaths and calm myself. My head really hurts.
     "Hey, are you ok?" I look up to see who uttered the words. "Niall?" I ask. Oh shit! He hates his real name. "I...I mean Py-" I start to say before he cuts me off, "I asked are you ok." He doesn't seem bothered by me calling him his real name so I don't correct myself. "I think I'm good," I say while getting up. My head pounds but it's not that bad. I see that my bike is ok, they didn't steal it. "How did you get here?" I ask Niall. Ugh no his name is Pyro I really need to get that into my head. "I was walking to the park to meet you guys, I guess I started walking a lot earlier because I got to your house when you were just leaving, then I caught back up to you right when Stomedy knocked you over." He replies.
     I look over to see the sun setting. "We should probably get going," I say. I look over at Pyro. He looks out of breath. "Do you want to ride on the handlebars of my bike," I ask, "it's not that far, and you're not too big." He agrees and balances himself on the handle bars. He looks scared. "It's ok, I'm not gonna let you fall," I reassure him. I hop on and we peddle off. While passing a grocery store someone yells "gay!" I just shake it off.
We arrive at the park and roman asks, "what took you so long?" "That bitch Stomedy tried to steal Calvin's bike," Pyro explains, "I shoved him off and he ran away." "Wow," Austin says, "Stomedy usually doesn't mess with us, he's gonna get it!"
We hang out at the park for a while not really doing anything. It's really childish, we play hide and seek and swing on the swings stuff like that. We start heading home at around 9:30 or 10:00 pm. "Do you need a ride home," I ask Pyro? "Nah I'll call a taxi or whatever, it's not that far and I've got some money," he replies.
After a say goodbye to everyone I start biking home. All the things that happened that day start to set in. I start to cry, it's not like I ever really liked Katie but it still hurts getting dumped. She was a bitch but at least she cared, now I have no one. I mean I have friends but it's not the same. I don't like how I'm crying I don't want to cry. I didn't think I cared about her but I guess I can't get over two years of dating her so easily. I blame myself for crying and start to get mad, just making everything worse. Ugh! I hate myself!
I pull up to my house and see my dad eating dinner in front of the tv. I forgot about dinner. I grab a bag of chips and go up to my room. I lie down on my bed and think about everything. Katie, Pyro, Stomedy its all so confusing. I go to sleep crying. I dream about Pyro and how he saved me.

*Authors Note*

I'm so proud of myself. This is not a stereotypical fanfiction. Meaning it takes a while for them to fall in love and I didn't use the cliché where someone just moved there and the other person falls in love instantly. 😊 So yeah I hope you like this. I really like this fanfiction so I will update more than my other one that I don't really ship anymore. Vote for me and I will do a face reveal!
Word count: 1219 words

 Vote for me and I will do a face reveal!Word count: 1219 words

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