Dear Diary 35

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(A/N This chapter will be like the last chapter in Yoongis diary, where it's more like his thoughts instead of him writing in the past. So this is Jimins thoughts in the moment.)

I just received a text from Yoongi.

"I'm sorry for everything. I will end your pain."

"Goodbye Park Jimin."

I'm panicking so much.

I need to get to Yoongi. Fast.

I run to his house.

When I get there, I barge in.

Not caring if anyone else was home.

Yoongis door was locked.

I started banging on the door.

I ran into the door countless times before the door gave in and opened.

I saw him.

Blood was all over his body and the bathtub.

His pale skin, lifeless.

I watched as he began to close his eyes.

I ran over to him,

but it was too late.

A DIARY BY JIMIN (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now