So off I went to irritate her with a little bit of difficulty.You see she owned the place everything I did she'd know about it.When your going to put a stinky sock in her locker her minions will find you and send you to the principle😡.But that can't stop me from being the most up tight person I can be! So the next day the moment I arrive at school SHE says "come with me or els!"so I went with her,into a empty classroom on the way there we pass my crush Jake Preston,But instead of talking to him I was dragged off. In the classroom she starts yelling like a tornado was coming she was yelling about something to do with Jake but before she could finish the bell rang. On my way to my locker I bumped into Jake literally😱I was so embarrassed but he was fine with it and asked if he could sit next to me in science class. Of couse I said yes😍In math the bell rang 20min early.We were told to go to the hall.As I stepped into the hall someone grabbed my arm I flinched....¿.
******************************** Sorry I haven't updated in a wile 😱 please. Send me ideas of what you think will happen in the next chapter. Here are the visual of each character: Me Alex
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
I'm to lazy to do the rest so use your imagination 😜