Just ask

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Mia is like the sister I never had. I fed her when she was an infant, about one or two years old. I was between one and a half and two years older than her. Currently she was sixteen and I turned eighteen in October, it was the best time of my life. I made sure I treated my parents like my land lords I told them where I was going instead of asking and we just got along better since I was getting what I wanted. Conveniently for Mia and I she lived two houses away from me. This is why we were so close, closer than any other best friend either of us had. We knew everything about each other we can complete the other's sentences. Sometimes Mia would do these hand gestures when she couldn't find the words to express herself and everyone would be confused when I would explain exactly what she meant. Being the sister I never had I was treated like a member of her family as she was treated a member of mine. I knew how to get into her house if no one was home, I would help myself to something to eat and leave a note when i had no food home. Mia loved telling everyone that story. We knew all of the other one's family. My aunts and uncles would greet and treat her like their niece as with her aunts and uncles. Her cousins were my cousins and so on. This particular lazy Sunday I woke up and walked down the street and into Mia's house without showering or changing, I'm just exaggerating how close we are again. Most days I would wake up after noon to an empty house. I couldn't be bothered it actually made me happy and allowed me to be more independent, it was almost as if I lived alone.

I walked into Mia's room and looked at the mirror that was on the left as one entered. I didn't find my self to be particularly attractive or ugly though at the moment I could do with a bath. I was between 5 foot 5 and 5 foot 6 for some reason people thought this was tall, I kind of did too, most people were shorter than me at my age and it was rare for me to find a good looking guy at least 3 inches taller than me, which annoyed me however currently, I was dating someone about six feet tall he was the tallest I had ever been with, nothing serious though we weren't official or anything and very few people knew about us. We liked it that way and wanted to leave it like that for a while because ( this will sound bad but...) he lived on the same street as my ex boyfriend and was good friends with him. The thing was I didn't even speak to this guy when Anthony and I were boyfriend and girlfriend I just knew of him and would rarely see him, so I wasn't interested or attracted to him.

Anyway back to my description, I'm a natural tan sort of caramel colored, had a tendency to look as dark as caramel and as light as a very lightly tanned person depending on the day. On mornings I would look very pale my hair was "long" I wished it was longer but people go on about how they wish their hair was long like mine, it reached in the middle of my back. It was very springy and curly naturally it was shades of medium dark and light browns and in the light a few caramel highlights. But I had this addiction to coloring and damaging it so currently it was in an ombré highlight trend the roots to the middle were a dark brown with red brown touches ( from the previous hair color) and the ends faded into a beautiful medium brown with a sort of orange coppery tinge to it. My eyes were kind of big but were my best feature, I think because everyone would compliment on them, they weren't any special color just a medium to dark chocolate like brown I don't know how to describe them. I had very pink lips and a medium sized buttonish nose. 32c bra 25 inch waist 34 inch hips, I was petite but shapely and referred to as having both, meaning ass and breast which pleased me, made it easier to get guys I guess.

I could feel Mia's gaze on my back I turned and saw the " you are looking like a psyco " look in her face. I looked down at my white vest and short white pants, saw my nipples sticking out from the morning chill and gave her the most apathetic look i could. She rolled her eyes at my don't care attitude. We didn't need words , I just lay on the other side of the joint beds and stared at the ceiling, I was still sleepy from my date last night, the thought of it made me smirk, even though we weren't together, Derick and I loved each other as friends and beyond it was something unique and very special, difficult to understand if you weren't one of us. I called it a date but it was no date, it was he, his brother, their friends and I hanging at a bar until after 4 in the morning and hanging out at a community park rolling joints and lighting them up. Derick liked that we could be like friends and to be honest I loved it just as much it gave us a stronger connection, we could just move like friends in front of everyone but we loved each other so much at the same time. Most girls would be annoyed and pissed to hang out with a boy and his friends, they would prefer be alone with the guy, Derick and I discussed this until about seven this morning, despite the fact that we spent over 6 hours with each other, as he dropped me home he called me and we spoke until we were both tired, this happened every night we just couldn't get enough of talking to each other.

"So what's up?" I managed to cut the silence. Mia's response was a shrug , meaning she was bored and fed up. She was struggling with keeping up her grades, social life and nightly shows. She had mock exams in the first week of the new year and her mom became more strict with where she can go, how much she can hang out etc. I saw her as lucky because for my exams I couldn't go any where I didn't even want to I made sure and focused on cramming for my exams. I spent all my days coupled in my room studying and watching shows online, I would come out to eat and get water and well I had my own bathroom. This annoyed my mother because she thought I was sleeping all day and was not studying. Anyway times had changed in that year, I had nothing to do when I was Mia's age, we only had the mall which no one went to anymore unless it was to actually buy something. Recently they built chains of restaurants and ice cream places in the mall which were now popular hang out spots. Mia was very popular at her school she was a very hard person to dislike or be jealous of she was too nice and down to earth and was blessed with a killer talent, I'm saying this without being opinionated. She was friends with everyone younger and older and was therefore invited to something every weekend. I was pretty popular but I chose who to be friends with and did more partying than hanging out unless it was with my 5 close friends inclusive of Derick.

Mia shut her school book and we began gossiping a storm, we are from a small island in the Caribbean where everyone knew everyone so we knew most of the same people, there were the odd few that she won't know if they were older and that I didn't know because they went to her school or lived in what we called out of zone places. We then proceeded to watch pictures of parties and compliment or criticize outfits make up check out boys, like the typical girls we were. We then began watching upcoming events and wondering what to get tickets to etc.

Then Mia bursted out ," oh my gosh I forgot to tell you we're going on a cruise for Christmas, the cruise Jen works on!" I smirked remembering the last time I saw Jen we were watching a football / soccer ( we call it football ) game for the world cup and doing the shakira dance. " Who's house will I raid Christmas morning ?" I questioned half jokingly. Every year after I opened my gifts I would go across to Mia's just in time to watch she and Shaya ( her older sister who was still older than me by about three years) open their gifts. I have pictures of Shaya and I , they were taken before Mia was born, but Shaya went to university about an hour and a half away so we may see her on weekends or holidays since she rented an apartment in the town.

Mia started "well" Mia was always a very plotty one, that's my own word for she would always come up with plans to get what she wants , she would make me call or ask her mom for her to go to the club and tell her that I would be there and convince her that I would look out for her and stuff. They almost always worked unless her mom had a reason or was not in a good mood.

Mia began saying that she wants me to come on the cruise and that she'll ask her mom and I would ask my parents about it. As I listened I thought that there was no way I was getting to go, my parents had to pay for me to go to school in Canada in the upcoming year and they already stopped spending money on me since I was now a legal adult, no way they would pay all that money for me to go on a vacation without them. Then I thought of missing Derick and all the Christmas Vacation parties. I told her I would asked but I never did. It wasn't a matter of trust or my safety Mia spent 3 weeks of a summer vacation with my family and I in Canada, so it wasn't that it was the expenses that worried me I would get a total shut down from my parents. They were really trying to get me to rely on them less and it was working I really didn't ask them for anything in terms of financing, I would sponsor my own drinking, weed and partying now as I was working but my salary definitely couldn't cover half of the cruise cost.

What do you think of Mia and Jess's relationship ? I know it's a bit cliche but do we like how close they are, what do you think of Jess? And shouldnt't she have just asked her parents if she could join Mia, the most she can get is a no, don't know until you ask right? Please comment, vote, add to your library and keep posted for chapter 2 ( should be shorter) within 2 days

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