Part Two: The Hunter

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        Zeon's POV:

The cold air nipped at me as I crept from tree to tree, never taking my eyes off my target. If I had it my way, I'd send an arrow flying into its skull, but seeing as the King needs this one alive for some reason, I have no other choice but to sit and watch, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack.

The boy looked like any normal teenager would, a little more feminine perhaps, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

But then again, they never do. That's just how these monsters work. They do everything they can to try to blend in with us, but in the end, deep down under all the lies and secrets, they'll still be the monsters they truly are.


The foulest creatures that have ever walked this land. Always using magic to bend people to their will, wrapping their vile hands around the towns, choking the life out of us and murdering the innocent like they're nothing.

Yes, it's true. Witches are the worst kind of monsters. That's why it's my job, the job of a hunter, to rid the world of their existence. To defeat the darkness and protect the weak. It's been this way ever since My fifth birthday. The night THEY came. The night those disgusting Witches murdered my mother and father, leaving me alone and desperate.

I swore that day I would get my revenge. I took an oath that I would protect my kind by any means necessary.

The Witch boy took a quick turn left, coming to a stop in front of a glistening river bed. I ventured a few steps closer to him, taking in more of the witch's features. His hair was a disgustingly pure white, like the snow that clung to the leaves of the trees above.

His body was small and frail looking, like the smallest push would send him topping to the ground in a broken heap.

Good. That makes my job a hell of a lot easier.

Just remember. The king wants this one alive. I reminded myself, taking several more steps towards the witch.

I was dangerously close now. All it would take is one giant leap, and I would have him pinned to the ground, my knife against his pale skin. Just one movement, and he would be mine.

"Isn't it beautiful here Mieshki?"  The witch's voice was soft, almost gentle, and it had a sort of ring to it that echoed in my ears, almost as if inviting me to come closer.

Don't let it fool you Zeon. He's a Witch, regardless of how he looks or sounds.

The boy smiled gleefully at the rippling waters of the small river and bent down, picking at several crimson shaded  flowers that grew from between the rocks.

He looked up and glanced around, his beautiful features changing. The serene look that covered his face only moments ago had disappeared, twisted into a mask of fear and worry as he noticed for the first time that his companion was missing.

"Meishki!?" He cried out. I smiled at my handiwork, forcing myself not to laugh at his confusion.

Dealing with a willow wisp is an extremely difficult task, but even creatures such as them can be stopped with the right tools. Luckily for me I was prepared for the worst.

She was on the ground the very moment she made the mistake of wandering off from the witch's side, sedated and out cold.

The boy searched for his friend in a panic, perfectly distracted, making my next move way to easy to carry out.

Seeing this as my chance I leapt forward, tackling the boy to the ground.  He fell like a sack of rocks, his arms and legs scraping against the jagged stones beneath him.

"Hey! Let go of me! Someone help!!" He screamed, squirming under my hold. I held firm, pinning him in place securely.

"Shut your mouth, or I'll cut out your tongue." I growled, pressing my knife against his left cheek. His body grew deathly still, as if he was frozen by the fear, before he finally worked up the courage to face me. He took a deep, shaky breath, and in that moment, his face slowly turned to meet mine, his eyes widened in fear.

When I saw those sparkling green orbs I froze as well. It was a horrible mistake, but I couldn't help myself. They were just so.... Beautiful. The brightest green I had ever seen, and the way they just seemed to sparkle. It was enchanting.

"P-please let me go. I didn't do anything wrong." He whimpered, pushing against my chest in a desperate attempt to escape.

Snapping out of my trance, I stood to my feet, dragging him with me. The second I was up he tried to squirm away once more, but I never let up my hold on his wrist.

"Y-you're hurting my a-arm!"

"Then stop struggling so much dumb ass!" I growled, chuckling lightly when I saw him flinch at my fowl words.

I've hunted many witches before him, but none were so weak and defenseless. It was amusing to say in the least

Before he could try anything stupid, I reached under my cloak, pulling out the long string of rope and tying it tightly around his hands. His eyes grew to the size of saucers and he flinched away, screaming desperately for help that he was clearly not going to get.

Anger boiled in side of me with every word he squawked and before I could stop myself I had the brat by the hair dragging him closer to me.

"What did I fucking say!" I barked, slapping my hand across his face harshly. He trembled violently as sobs racked his body, piercing through my ears.

"Please! I won't tell anyone, just let me go."

I sighed in frustration and grabbed ahold of him tightly before flinging him over my shoulders. He cried the whole time, kicking and clawing at anything he could manage.

It's going to be a LONG journey back to the castle.

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