Elysia, the Home of the Seraphim

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- Mikleo, Mikleo, I did it! - A joyful child rushes to sit next to the young seraph.

Mikleo turns around to face the green eyed boy who bounces excitedly staring at him.

Mikleo grinned at Sorey's enthusiasm and waited for him to sit next to him.

Sorey quickly sat and pulled a pile of books from his dusty bagpack.

- You know Gramps is going to let us have it when he finds out, right? He hates when we take books from his bookshelf. - Mikleo stated with a calm tone to avoid killing his friend's cheerfulness.

Sorey ignored his rhetorical question and proceed to open the old books, his fingertips wandering in the black ink.

- Wait, what? I think I searched in the wrong section. - Sorey said, frowning.

- What kind of books are those? Aren't those adventure books? - Mikleo asked, curious.

- At first I thought they were but they are about... princesses and princes and love... - Sorey knit his brows again. He examined the grubby book.

- Huh? What do you mean with that? - Mikleo moved closer to his friend, gazing the object.

- It talks about kissing... Do you know what's that? - Sorey looked up at Mikleo who looked like he was presuming something.

- I guess it's some kind of arte, right?

- It could be... It's an arte between a female human and a male human.

- Why can't it be male and male?

- I don't know... They just mention a female and a male... We can ask Gramps about it, though. - Sorey scratched the back of his head and waited for a response to his suggestion.

- No way. If we do, he's going to notice we sneaked into his things and he's gonna ground us. - Mikleo answered, sighing.

- What if we search for another book similar to this in his bookshelf and try to find information? - Sorey smiled innocently to Mikleo's violet eyes.

- That's kind of risky, but it can do.

Sorey nodded and stand up, leaving the books next to the wooden door before heading to Gramps's house with Mikleo.

- What if kissing is a hidden arte? Maybe it's even in the Celestial Record. - Sorey wondered, staring at his shoes smash the green grass.

- It could be, but since you read that book millions of times, I think we had noticed. - Mikleo back talked at his friend, doing a bitty smirk.


- Here! - Mikleo exclaimed, pulling a heavy book out of the shelf - Let's get out of here before Gramps notices us.

- Whoa, it looks heavy. - Sorey hissed and took it from Mikleo's hands. - All right, let's go!

- Do you need help carrying it? - Mikleo offered, staring at the brunette struggling to carry the object.

- Nah, I'm fine. Can you... please open the door? - Sorey tilted his head to point the door from his house.

- Ah yes, sorry. - Mikleo cantered to the door and opened it.

- Thanks. - Sorey simpered before dropping the book on the floor.

- Okay, what does it say?

- K, k... ki... KISS! I FOUND IT! - Sorey blurted happily.

- Go on.

- "To touch ot press with the lips slightly pursed, and then often to part them and to emit a smacking sound, in an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc." - Sorey read out loud.

- That looks weird. I've never seen Gramps kissing anybody. Is that what adults are supposed to do? - Mikleo asked, frowning and putting a finger in his chin like he was deep in thought.

- Maybe we can try it. Maybe it unlocks a powerful arte to beat those so called 'hellions'. - Sorey broached and closed the book, making a blatant sound.

- Us? Now? - Mikleo opened his eyes widely, surprised.

- Why not? It's like some kind of greeting or something. Plus, you love me, right?

- W-what?

- In here it says you have to love that person in order to 'kiss'. I love you because you are my best friend. Do you love me back? - Sorey tilted his head and smiled widely at the seraph, who was looking certainly confused.

- Yeah, of course. I love you.

- Then I guess we can unlock this mystic arte! Ready to 'kiss'?

- Yeah, I guess. But how do we do this? - Mikleo laughed awkwardly.

- Let's just press our lips with each other's and see what happens.

Sorey put his hands on Mikleo's cheeks and he carefully put closer Mikleo's face to his.
Mikleo's eyes were really wide open and you could see he was slightly blushing.

- Erm, have we ever been this close? - Mikleo laughed to cover his blush.

Sorey finally kissed him, pressing his lips to his, he somehow felt something that he never felt before but he couldn't agree if it was a good or bad feelings he just felt odd and felt like he wanted to hold him longer. After 5 seconds of pressing his lips to his, he let go.

- Holly Molly, I nearly choked! - Sorey coughed and looked at his friend who was still blushing.

- Yeah, I wonder how adults do this without dying. - Mikleo laughed with awkwardness again. - So, have you felt something? Like, a powerful energy inside you?

- No, but I felt something strange. It was a really weird feeling and I don't know if i liked it or not.

- Yeah, I actually felt the same. - Sorey finally released his hand from Mikleo's shoulder and accidentally hit Mikleo's wrist with his.

- Ouch!

- Sorry, I still feel kind of weird. It was kind of awkward, don't you think? I mean, I've never had you this close.

- Yeah, maybe we can kiss on our own way. - Mikleo grinned and set aside a lock of his pale hair.

- Huh?

- I mean what we just did. This. - He pressed his wrist to his. - We don't press lips but we press wrists. Our own unique way to kiss and tell that we love each other without choking.

- Woah, that's really cool. Nice idea, Mikleo!

- Thanks. - He smiled proud and stared at Sorey's green eyes.

- I love you, Mikleo.

- I love you, Sorey.

And with a quick movement, they both pressed their wrist with each other's to show affection and love that those two young boys had for each other and that one day, will get fonder.

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