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"So, doctor (L/N)? (Y/N) (L/N)?" The man asked you. You fidgeted in your seat as you nodded. "Yessir." He looked over your report and shook his head. "I can't believe you actually want to observe such an SCP, especially with you being a new doctor and such. I would've recommen-" "No, sir, please. I want to observe this specific one. Please." You asked. You knew you cut him off. You didn't care. He sighed softly. "Alright. I trust that you do well." The doctor across from you said, handing you a clipboard with sheets of paper on it. You happily took it and smiled to yourself. "Alright. I'll have a unit with some D-Classes help escort you there." He said and you nodded eagerly. "Okay!" You replied happily and stood, going to walk out of his office before he stopped you. "Oh doctor (L/N)?" He called. "Yes?" "Good luck." He replied with a small smile. "Thank you." You said as you left. Your best friend, Gwen, ran up to you, almost tripping over and almost breaking her glasses, until you caught her. "Th-Thanks, (Y/N)-Anyways," she stood straight, "did you get h-him to let you observe the P-Plague Doctor??" She asked with excitement. You grinned and nodded. "Yeah! Usually it's "you watch this one" or something, but it was like he wanted me to take up the role of watching SCP-049." You said to her. She squealed a little with happiness. "That's so cool! A lot cooler than mine, actually." You tilted your head and cocked a brow. "What did you get, Gwen?" You asked. She sighed softly. "I got SCP-096." You gasp in shock. "That drama queen?? Get out-" You replied. "Yeah... Welp. G-Gotta get to work! See you at lunch, hopefully?" She said and walked away. You nodded and, eventually, an MTF squad with two D-Class personnel showed up. You followed them to an elevator, which descended towards the bottom. In what seemed to be seconds, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. The squad and D-Classes along with yourself began walking down the hallway. You all stopped as the door was opened and the D-Classes were shoved into the cell. You cringed a little at how harsh almost everyone was at this god forsaken facility. You quickly looked at the poster posted up beside the cell. It confused you as to why on the "Sentient and Violent" part it showed a brain with an eyeball and two firsts pumping. You had to tear your (E/C) orbs away from the creature's grey and white eyes on the poster. You quietly began to wite down notes about what was happening. You slowly realized why the doctor was so hesitant about letting you watch 049. He's the Plague Doctor for god's sakes. You hissed mentally at yourself. You eventually saw why he was violent. You watched him preform surgery on one of the D-Classes. You wrote down what you saw. Your hand shook a little, sure, you were a little scared, but you're safe...

... Right?

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