The First Chain

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Vanessa Melanie leong saw the letter first.Normally she wouldn't have checked her friend's mail, but the mailbox was slightly ajar, and she couldn't help noticing the off-black envelope addressed to Calista .It was unusual  letter , taller than it was long ,with no return address. Vanessa wondered  if it was a mystery love letter since Calista loved the colour black .The off-black envelope reminded Vanessa about a fire which happen a while ago.
"Do you need help?" Vanessa called. She was standing on Calista's porch , holding an assortment of books and bags : brought for three girl's homework and personal items.Calista and Brenda were unloading a half-painted set from the back of Vanessa's station wagon , trying to maneuver it into the garage with a minimum of damage. The prop was for a play the three of them were involved in at school : You don't own this. Calista were in charge of the special effects while Brenda had a small, wacky role. Vanessa was the star of the play.
"Whatever gave you that idea?" Brenda gasped, swiping at her overly long bangs and losing her grip on a portion of their characters' living room. It hit the concrete driveway at an unfavorable angle , and a strip of wallpaper bent back.
"I took this home to finish it ,not to destroy it," Calista complained in her quick nervous voice. Calista fretted over everything; it was a quality that made her excel at detail work. Brenda professed to be the opposite. She only worried about the "Things of importance"Still , on bad days , it was hard to tell the two of them apart.They were always arguing . They are Vanessa's best friends.
"I'm coming" Vanessa said , setting aside her gear and hurrying down the steps. It was hot and smoggy , not the bast of days for hard labour . Yet Vanessa didn't mind the weather . It is a reminder for that's summer is only a few weeks away and if their quickly approaching graduation.Lately she had been anxious to finish with high school , to begin her real life . Her game plan called for 4 years starring in Hollywood feature films . Her chances were on of a million , so her parents often said but she liked a challenge and loved acting.
"Grab this" Brenda said , wanting to help her with her end
"No, V , come over here,"Calista said
"Why should she help you?" Brenda asked . "This is your project. I'm just a volunteer. I'm not even getting a union scale."
"But you're stronger then a me " Calista said, straining
"I'll get in the middle" Vanessa said , as her usual position when the three of them are together.
Because they used the garage to get to the house, Calista did not immediately check on her mail. Only when they were seated at the kitchen table drinking and eating pizzas and complaining about how many miserable calories in each bite .Vanessa remember about the books and bags she had left in the porch . While fetching them , standing just outside the kitchen window , she called Calista " Do you want me to bring in your mail?"
Calista said "sure, V ."
Vanessa also waited expectantly while Calista dawdled over the cover of a FABULOUS magazine that promised an exciting exclusive on Taylor Swift's taste in tight jeans and in- depth of article about how teenagers think about over controlling parents. Finally Vanessa got fed up and , clearing her throat , pointed out the black envelope to Calista .
"That letter has your name on it," she said.
"You serious ??" Brenda tried to ask with her mouth full of food but no one understood so she finish her food and asked again "Who's it from ??"
Calista didn't immediately answer,examining the envelope slowly , Not having a boyfriend currently but she's drop dead gorgeous and a lot of boys wants to make her their girlfriend but Calista never accepts them because most of them are playboys.
"There's no return address, " she said finally
Vanessa smiled. " it must be a love letter. Why else would someone use snail mail? besides maybe he had been observing you that's why he used the colour black because you love black colour"
Calista blushed. " Oh , I don't think so."
"Open it" Brenda said
"I will" Calista nervously open the letter
As Calista was opening her mail Vanessa said that she's very curious who could've sent it using snail mail.
Calista slowly set down the letter after reading it
Vanessa picked up the letter and read:

My dear friend,
You do not know me , but I know you. Since you first breath in this world I have been watching over you . The hopes you have wished and the sins you have committed.Listen closely, the hourglass runs low.
At the bottom of this letter is a list of names. Your name is at the top. What is required of you at present is a small token of obedience . After your name from the top of Column I and place it at the bottom of column II. Then you'll make a copy of this and mail it to the individual now at the top of the column I . The small services that you are performing will be listed in the classified advertisement of the Times under personals . The individual following you on the list must receive their letter within five days of today.
Feel free to discuss this with the others on the list. Do not discuss with anyone outside the list . If you do , that one very sinful night will be revealed to all.
If you do not perform the small service listed in the paper or if you break the chain of this communication, you will be hurt.

Your caretakers.

Column I                Column II              Column III

  For a minute , non of them spoke or moved."Maybe it's a joke," Brenda hopefully. Calista suddenly asked " how could they know about that night?" As her voice were crackling.
  Vanessa shook herself reminding herself of which this is not a dream nor a nightmare. She was awake, Wide awake. The hollow, bloodshot eyes and the lifeless , grinning mouth were only memories. They couldn't reach her here in the present.
   "We should have gone to the police." Calista wept. " I wanted to, and so did Emmanuel."
   "I wanted to , but you guys wouldn't let me. We've killed him..."
   "We didn't fu*king killed anyone alright !!" Brenda exploded. "Don't you ever say that again! What happened was a freaking accident. For all we know he was already dead."
  "He wasn't," Calista sobbed." I saw him moved. I saw...."
  " Shut up!!"
  "He was making gurgling sounds. That meant..."
  " Stop it!!"
  "Quiet down you both,"Vanessa said, knowing she had to take charge. "Arguing won't help us . We had this same argument a million times last summer . The fact none of us knows whether he's dead or alive . . ." She froze , Brenda and Calista were staring at her , waiting for her answer. Of course he must be dead by now. They had buried him
  "What do you mean??" Calista asked , shredding her palms with her fingernails
  "Nothing, " Alison said.
  "You mean he wrote this letter," Calista said, nodding to herself." That's what you mean , I know . He's coming back for revenge . He's going to...."
  "Stop it !! " Brenda shouted again "This is nothing but a sick , sick joke."
  "Then why are you so upset?" Calista snapped back.
  "If I am you made me this way and that's all I have to say about this."
  " Would you both do me a favor ?" Vanessa said "Would you both please stop shouting and allow us to discuss this calmly?"
   "What is there to discuss" Brenda asked." One of the others, either John,Isaac or Emmanuel sent this letter as a joke."
  "You didn't mention James," Calista said. James was Brenda's boyfriend . He was also , without question the smartest person in school.
  " Would Emmanuel or Isaac have?" Vanessa asked. Isaac was for the school band, all around Mr. Nice guy.Clara was crazy about him. He hardly knew her existence . Emmanuel and James were two of his best friends. " Brenda , you them best."
  "Clara wouldn't have, that's for sure?" Calista cut in.
  "Yeah," Vanessa agreed." Clara don't have this kind of imagination."
  "How bout Isaac?" Vanessa asked reluctantly.
  Brenda shook her head. " That guy's straighter than Steven must be john. He's such a jerk.
  "His the cool one, but he is  not stupid," Vanessa said. "He knows very well what would happen if that night became public knowledge . He wouldn't hint it aloud , never mind have put it in print." The only possibility is that one of the eight of us intentionally or unintentionally leaked out that night yo someone else. And that someone else is out to use us."
  "That makes sense," Brenda admitted.
  "Do you have today's Times, Calista ?"
  Calista quickly dashed to the living room and flipped to the advertisement section and she was joined by Vanessa and Brenda after a while. While they were looking , Vanessa saw a very odd advertisement and pointed out.
           Calista. Paint the school logo on the
          school hall. Use black and white paint.

   "Who would want to ruin the school logo?" Brenda asked. Yet , surprisingly, she appeared to be more than willing to sacrifice the school logo to avoid the letter': promised hurt.
  " I'll have to do it at night ,"Calista muttered.
  "You're serious??" Brenda asked . She addressed the ceiling."She's serious;the girl's nuts"
  "But James has to get his letter within in five days," Calista moaned.That means I have to paint the school logo and move my name and everything by Thursday."
Calista grabbed her hand " Will you help me , Vanessa ?"
   "We need to tell the others. Then we'll decide what to do. Who knows , one of the others might burst out laughing and admit that it was just a joke after all.
   "I can see it now." Brenda nodded confidently, pouring another glass of beer.
  " I hope so" Calista said, dabbing her eye with a tissue.
  "So do I " Vanessa whispered, picking up the off-black envelope and the letter. The line : "what is required of you at present is a small token of obedience," bothered her. Painting a school logo was no major demand. Some people might even consider it artistic. Perhaps all demands would be similar. However , when they were all in Column II, chain would be complete. Then maybe it would start all over again, and the "small token of obedience" might not longer be so small.


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