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I looked at Brooklynn and frowned, she looked back at me. Almost simultaneously, we look back out of the window. But... Nothing was there. Nothing. 

''You were just seeing things, Ash,'' She tries to reassure me. 

''If I was seeing things, then how come you saw her too?'' I ask, already hoping it was just a trick of the light, but knowing, deep down, it was real. She swallows and turns round, dismissing the conversation. Puzzled, I sit back on my place at the window sill. Brook turns up the music to a song we like so we start singing along, ignoring the fact that what we had just seen had scared the both of us, but not really wanting to admit it. 

Then the strangest thing happened. My fingertips of my right hand started getting cold. I thought nothing of it until the feeling traveled up my hand and up my arm, stopping just below my shoulder. Then it grew colder and colder, until freezing. But nothing happened. Five seconds later Brook stops to look into my worried eyes and trails her gaze to my arm, now numb with coldness. 

''Ash...'' She whisperers, and I look to. My arm was shaking, not just shivering, like proper thrashing around. Brook turns the music down and walks toward me cautiously. I swear, if I could have ripped my arm off and thrown it out the window I would have. 

Brook reaches out to touch my arm and inches to it, she stops.

That's when the door began to shake. Violently, like it was something else, a living thing. It only lasted about a minute, but me and Brook were already shrieking at the noise and huddled behind the bed. Then the door stopped, and at exactly the same time, so did my arm. Suddenly it was like normal, no coldness, no shaking, just my normal arm, nothing unusually. 

I slowly turn my head to look at Brook, she does the same. And at that moment, we both know we have got ourselves into some thing big, and not good at all.

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