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"Mr. Davidson, your mother is on line 2" Samantha said through the intercom and I pressed the button

"Pass her through" I said and not a second later my mom was on the line

"Hey munchkin" she greeted making me roll my eyes but smiled

"Hi mama" I greeted

Ever since we learned that Alexa had a brain tumor, my parents have been spending their time at the hospital because the doctor said that they need to keep her under observation for a few days to make sure that the tumor wasn't growing or moving to other parts of the brain.

I know that its hard on both my parents since they were reliving the same thing that happened with me when I was 4.

"Have you asked that pretty doctor out yet?" Her voice drew me back to the phone conversation and I rolled my eyes

"No, I haven't. If you haven't noticed I have a business to run. I don't have time to go out on dates and do all that lovey dovey bullshit that everyone seems to have time for" I stated and I could practically see her narrowing her eyes as she said

"Watch your tone Leonardo Alexander" and I sighed

"Sorry mama" I murmured running a hand through my hair as I sat back on my chair looking out the window into the busy city of Denver. The office was located in the center of the city giving me a view of the Inn Hotel that seems always busy this time around. The sun was still high in the sky making my eyes hurt so I turned around as I listened to my mom reprimand me for using foul language as if she hadn't used it as well when she was younger.

"Are you coming to the hospital after you get out of work?" She asked changing the subject and I sighed looking down a the pile of folders that sat unread on my desk

"I don't know, I have a lot to do. I'll probably just stay here for the night and go see Alexa in the morning before coming back to work" I answered and I heard her huff

"You're going to work yourself to the bone, Leo" she muttered

"I know but once all of this is solved I'll take a few weeks off to breath" I said and she snorted making me smile

"Right, you've said that at least a could dozen times in the last 3 years and you don't go on vacations" she stated and I smiled shaking my head.

"This time I will take a few weeks of to hang out at home and look after Andy while Alexa and the two of you are at the hospital" I said and she sighed

"You also need to go out and have a good time munchkin" she murmured making a small smile crawl on to my lips. That nickname is so old and yet its familiar.

"I will once everything else is settled" I promised and she made a noise and I chuckled

"I promise, mama" I said before she was telling me that dad had arrived from work and that they were ready to head out to the hospital and that she'll call to let me know if anything happens and I said that I'll stop by later tonight  if I have the chance or like I had stated earlier tomorrow morning and to give Alexa a kiss from me before we said our see you laters.

Sighing, something I've been doing a lot lately, I looked at the pile of folders on my desk before picking up the top one and going over the finances and inventory.


By the time the sun had gone down I was halfway through my paperwork and most of my employees have already gone home for the night aside from a few that work on technology floor and Samantha.

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