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Jack POV:

Inner and outer conflict are two entirely different things, and Jack knew that well. He grew up a freak, a science experiment, the kid that not many people would just talk to because he didn't fit in.

When his "mutated abilities" were soon discovered after birth, he was forced into testing. It was on and off for the first thirteen years if his life before the doctors and scientists and whatever else gave up, because there proved to be nothing causing it. No alteration in genes or blood, and his brain patterns were completely normal. But the kids at school didn't know that, and even if they did they wouldn't care.

"There's the fag flag, why don't you go fuck yourself since you like boys so much."

That was one of the first remarks that actually hurt him, but it wasn't that alone. It was built up emotion for months, no, years, years of slowly distancing before just breaking off in highschool. All that emotion and pain he could handle until it turned into one that he couldn't. He broke, and just accepted it was over, and would never change.

Of course in his younger years the kids thought it was really cool, he could change his skin tone because of his moods. But he missed a lot of school then because the doctors didn't know what was 'wrong' with him. That also resulted in him not being as caught up as some of the other kids, so over time he was simply labeled as an outcast. And no matter how hard Jack tried to act like he was a proud lone wolf, he hated it.

He hated that he was rejected for things he couldn't change.

He hated that his mom wouldn't let him change schools, so he was stuck having to look at people who knew that he was more then his color or pride, and still turned the other cheek.

He just hated that he was who he was.

And that got to him. Because inner and outer conflict are two entirely different things, and Jack knew that well.

Outer is the teasing, rude comments and remarks, pain inflicted and forced from other people.

Inner is the constant feeling of being an outcast, being different and not needed. It's the self-hate caused by the outer conflictions. The pain inflicted and forced from yourself.

And he had experience with both of them, the "bullying" over the course of his life being the outer conflict, and inner being what happened when no one was around. When it was just him and his head.

And Jack managed to sustain himself for a solid year before he broke.

Befor he just broke down in the deafening scilence if his bedroom, the empty feeling in his chest clawing at his lungs begging for some other emotion. Something that wasn't just pain. He was never happy, any time something good would happen, he just couldnt feel it.

And he was sick of it.

His mom tried her hardest to make him feel better, going to extremes to make him smile or laugh. Jack would slightly smile at that thought, but that only made his skin descend to a navy blue seconds after because he knew that school was coming back, and he'd basically never see her again.

He planned on staying hidden and secluded in general until he was out of school, and if it didn't get better from there, he'd give up. Because he found himself a dark blue more then any other color. And he was sick of it.

Just sick of it.

(A.N. this idea belongs to Sxpticfire - also, this is short because its just a (pretty shitty) emotional prologue. I hope you enjoy :)

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