
524 33 19

1:15 am, Monday

" I think he's awake, Baek"

Junmyeon felt the pang on his head after he opened his eyes. He felt the gauze on his head.

" Hey Junmyeon is awake" Baekhyun, his friend said.

Kyungsoo, who is beside Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

" I just said that,dimwit"

Judging from the same white area of the hospital and the two people bickering on his side, his suicide attempt failed.


" Hyung!" The door opened and
his younger brother, Jongin, came running towards him from outside his room.

" Thank God, your awake. Are you okay? Mom is worried for you"

" Why did you do that Myeonion? You had just slit your wrist three days ago. What if you have been sucessful and fell from the 28th floor? Your body would be tattered and your face would be unrecognizable! Do you want to be ugly on your death case? The--- Aaww!! Not in the head Soo!!"

Baekhyun patted the part of his head where Kyungsoo hit.

" Is this the time to worry about that?"

Kyungsoo faced him looking worried

" Hyung, please don't do that again."

the owl eyed male said.

Junmyeon smiled in return

He too, doesn't't like to make them worried but he couldn't do anything about the nightmares he have every time he close his eyes. He remember everything like it has been only a day ago.

" Hey, Myeonion, remember the guy who saved you on the rooftop? Who is he? What does he look like? Is he handsome? Is-- Aaww! Do Kyungsoo I told you stop hitting my head!"

Glaring, Kyungsoo answered, " Do you want me to hit your face instead?"

Baekhyun covered his faced and hid behind Jongin who can't stop laughing

" Not in the face Soo!"


" C'mon strip him naked!"


Sweating, Junmyeon woke up from his nightmare.

it's just a dream, Junmyeon

From his left side, his brother is sleeping on the edge of his bed.

He sighed.

It's been a week since he was admitted in that hospital for slitting his wrist and got extended after he attempted to jump from the rooftop, and he knew his parents and his only brother slept ample amount just to take care of him.

He tried to sleep again but he couldn't and decided to breathe some fresh air.

He slowly got off from his bed carefully in order to not wake Jongin up.

Junmyeon carefully sat down on the edge of the rooftop and watched the beautiful lights below.

Indeed, the streets is busier at night that  it makes it colourful

" Want me to push you this time?"

His heart skipped a beat as he held tight on the edge's side rail.

he angrily shouted at the familiar male leaning on the rooftop's edge beside him

" Coming from the guy who attemped suicide days ago" the tall guy smirked

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