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September 4 I was 3 years old my brothers found their magic all I could do was make shadows do what ever I wanted it wasn't magic my mom told me that its something only one of my mother generation could do. My brother, Hikari, is an ice wizard and my brother, Kurai, is a fire wizard. They are twins 2 years older then me  

my names Kage it means shadow and this is my story.


September 14 we were playing out side well I can't the light hurts me so me just sitting in the dark corner playing by myself with my shadow. 3 hours later we went back inside to eat lunch Kurai just eats coal because everything he touches burns and Hikari freezes everything so he eats iced food I'm the only one that can eat normal food except the fact that when I touch the food my shadow turns it black still tastes the same but I don't know what it does to it besides make it black.

The next day, September 15, Hikari was playing video games and Kurai was playing with fire and I was doing nothing but the same I always do play in my little dark corner with my shadow, nothing special about this day so far. So after Hikari froze the controller solid my dad, Mun Yami, tried to unfreeze it but he couldn't but Kurai unfroze it. My brother were the favorite of my father but my mother, Taiyo Yami, favored me the most.

Two days later, September 17, one month each year me, Kurai, and Hikari's powers become uncontrollable and ounce every five years brothers have it on the same day and today was the day Hikari and Kurai had it on the same day. They were playing outside I was swimming it the local river when I heard my mom scream. I jumped out of the water and ran back to the house wear I saw my parents dead, the house on fire and two men talking to Hikari and Kurai. They grabbed their hands and disappeared, I was left alone with no parents no brothers just my shadow.


My anger changed me into a monster I wore a hood so no one could tell how I was. I started small like robbing gangs and black markets then I went bigger and no one could stop me if they tried I'd have their shadows kill them I was a monster. For many years I did this I controlled over 5 city's with an iron fist and no one could stop me and not even the highest wizards in that city they all fell before me after all no one can hide from there shadow.

One day I was thirteen at the time and a man came up to me and challenged me and like all the others he fell but then he told me if I released all the city's from my rule he would help me fined my true magic. So I said let me think about it and told him to come back in three days and I would have my decision. So two days later I was playing with a shadow ball thinking about what could my real magic be when the general of my army came in telling me all smug that he just captured anther city and its now under my rule.

The next day I had my decision and the man came back and I told him that we had a deal but if he was lying to me I would not let the city's go and I would kill him for his betrayal. So he promised that he wasn't lying and he took me to a place and locked me in a room full of speakers except for a one way window and he told me that this is my training it was to be able to stay in that room and withstand the sound coming from the speakers without moving for nine hours.


I competed the first challenge and was on to the next. He put me in a tunnel with two big speakers at the end of each side of the tunnel the challenge was to control the sound being amplified by the tunnel and use it against the speakers. Well at first I thought it was going to be easy bu I was wrong it was three months before I could even catch the sound then another four to control it and five more to shoot it back at the speakers but I finally did it.

The man gave me a test the one that would determine if I was ready for the final challenge the test was to pick up a boulder with sound and I thought that was impossible but he picked up three boulders. So I tried and to my surprise I pick up the boulder and the three boulders he picked up with no sweat and it said that I was the only one that past that test the first time so he said that I didn't have to stay there anymore my training complete.

When I went back I saw that all the people I rule over were in slaved and the anger inside of me boiled hotter then ever before I busted though the door and saw that my general was sitting in my seat. "Ippan what are you doing" I said "I'm taking over and there's nothing you can do about it" he said. "are you sure about that Ippan" I said frustrated "yeah your stupid shadow magic has no effect on my light magic" he said arrogantly I laughed "wait are you laughing at" he said "your really stupid Ippan my magic isn't shadow magic its sound" I said as I started to make the room shake"what are you talking about you can't just change magic" he said scared "no my shadow controlling ability comes from my family inheritance" I said with a smile on my face.

We fought it out and he lost to my new found sound magic and I let the people free and I stopped ruling over them and went on as a citizen.


I left that city and went to a place for sound wizards but all the wizards where music wizards not sound. I continued there and just played it cool and went on with my life until the big man of the place came up to me and pushed me around until I made it like he said the he was gay and he got mad and challenged me to fight after work, I laughed and accepted his challenge.

After work I forgot about the fight and he came up from behind me and sucker punched me. I got up and use a spell I've never tried called sound fist and punched him in the jaw. He fell just like all the others that challenged me. "you never stood a chance against me. do you know who I am" I said he looked up "wait its coming to me no your not Kage the man that ruled over 5 city's and just let them go" he said and was scared "well your half right" I said " I am Kage and I ruled over 6 city's".

He ran off and told the police and the came for me but I fought them of and kill the snitch. So I moved again and in this city I heard of to bounty hunters named Hikari and Kurai they worked for the tower of heaven then I thought that most have been where the men took my brothers. So I went to the tower of heaven and asked them where they were but the throw me out so I went back "hey didn't we just throw you out" the guards said "yeah you did but this time I'm using forces" I said as I blasted sound at them and walked though the door "hoe goes there" Kurai said "its me Kage your brother I was 3 when we last saw each other" I said "Kage your still alive" Kurai said "yeah I had to take care of my self so I used the shadow thing I inherited to take over 6 city's and when I heard you guys worked here I had to see you guys again" I said as he hugs me


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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