Chapter 1 - The Intruder

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Evan's POV

"Ahh" I sigh

"I'm so glad the first week of school is finally finished. Time to enjoy my weekend...sleeping and doing school work" I say tiredly.

I unlock the wooden front door to my apartment and step inside, closing the door behind me. I take off my black school blazer and hang it up on the rack next to my favourite dark blue hoodie.

"Whiskers? Whiskers? Where are you buddy? I'm home!" I look around puzzled. Where could that kitten be now?

I walk over to the window and open it to let some fresh breeze. Geez it's so hot and stuffy in summer, I hate it. I might as well change into something cooler then my white long sleeve button up shirt and long grey pants.

Just as I finish taking my tie and shirt off, I see Whiskers, out the corner of my eye go out the window I opened just a few minutes ago. Luckily for him I'm on the ground floor of the apartment complex. He is not normally like this, normally he comes running to my when I get home, knowing I will feed him.

"Whiskers! Come back!" I yell as I run towards the window to see where he went. Then I see him climb through my neighbour's window.

Guess there's no better time to finally meet my neighbour. sigh

"No, no, no, this is bad Whiskers no!" I quickly shut the window; shove my keys in my pocket and head out the front door.

Walking towards my neighbour's apartment I notice there are no lights on. I guess no one is home. But I need to get Whiskers back. I walk around to the window Whiskers climbed through. Urgh I feel so bad for trespassing but I have to. Sorry neighbour.

I cautiously climb through the window and find myself in a living room. The room has two black couches, a small round coffee table between the couches and a TV hung up on the wall. It's quite a nice living room. I start searching for whiskers, my mischievous ginger kitten.

"Whiskers....Whiskers...." I whisper whilst walking into the kitchen that joins the living room. Even though I think no ones home I feel so nervous being in someone else's home, I don't want to be caught. I give up looking in the kitchen for whiskers, his not in here. I see a staircase that probably leads up to bedrooms. Whiskers must have gone up there. As I start walking up the first few steps I suddenly hear the front door open. Shit shit shit I'm going to get caught. I need to hide. I quickly go upstairs and open the first door I see. I realise i had gone into a bedroom that was rather dark and a bit of a mess. I look over towards the soft bed, sigh I'm so tired and that bed looks so comfy. Then I notice Whiskers sleeping on the pillow. Oh no, I'm surely going to get busted now. What if the person hates cats? What if they are allergic? What if..... Suddenly the door starts to creak open. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified. I stand there frozen on the spot. Out the corner of my eye I see Whiskers run towards the closet due to the sound of the door waking him up. So I follow Whiskers into the closet and shut the door. I hope I'm safe in here.

Noah's POV

I open my front door, trying not to fall over and kick my shoes off. Maybe I shouldn't have got so drunk. I pause did I just hear something. Nah I'm probably just hearing things. I go into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. Man I'm going to have such a bad headache in the morning. I slowly walk up the stairs towards my bedroom trying to be careful not to spill my water. I take a sip of my water and then place it on my dresser. Collapsing on lovely bed exhausted. I smell cat piss. What the heck? Someone's bloody cat got into my apartment. It all over my pillow, I chuck the pillow toward the laundry room down the hallway. I'll clean that when I'm not so tired. Luckily I have spare pillows up the top of my closet. I open my closet doors. A ginger cat runs past my feet knocking into my dresser and then before I know it a guy is falling onto me. As well as that glass of water that damn cat knocked over.

I'm pinned to the floor by a guy with dripping wet short black hair and stunning blue eyes. Wow he is more attractive then anyone at the bar. As I scan him over with my eyes I notice he is shirtless only wearing long grey pants.

"What the hell!?!" I say

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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