The Test

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Tossing and turning just longing for my sister,Rhianna's warmth my muscles are clenched and dreaming of the blood Type I am,this blood test I am to have, holds my future and my future will not be good if I get the wrong type.I am not allowed to eat for 4 hours or the test might be wrong and I might get the wrong type which means death.Each girl or boy at the age of 14 leave their families and join their blood type,each blood type has a responsibility.Type A ,supply food, they harvest they cook they bake and they just have to find their special food way.Type O they fight in any way they can they box,they protest,they wrestle and Type B they do theatre and fun.Type AB are town maintenance.
If you don't fit in your blood type you get executed.
It's officially 4:30am and I find a pail blue dress in which my mother wore on her test,she's type O but she doesn't like to talk about dad's type on my 12th birthday they had him killed for him blood type.So I slipped on the dress and went.
After 7 hours of waiting in line I was called over by a lady with tan skin and hair jett black.
"Miss Mary Ann Colsp please lay down"she said. I laid back and closed my eyes whiles she gave me the needle that took blood and gave me a pill to sleep.
"RUN" I turn to see a strong 20 year old man shirtless but covered in tattoos,all of the tattoos were symbols of each blood type, Type A was a picture of Wheat and woman harvesting, Type AB had a picture of a tall building, Type O was weapons, Type B was hands in a crowed but there was one I didn't recognise it was a stick figure running.
I just stood there and stared at him, " RUN GIRL RUN, are you trying to get me killed!?!"
"...what?.."I mumbled
"RUN NOW!!!"he pointed to a door.Then a pack of men armed with guns and wearing large white heavy suits came running.Guards-no-President Güg's guards! I sprinted to the door it closed behind me to my disbelief it disappeared,then the walls started closing is "HELP PLEASE!" I screamed on the top of my lungs "HELP...P-P-L-LEASE" there was nothing I could do...
"AHHH-H-h-h?" It was a dream.just a dream.its not real. I tell myself.
"Get out!"says the lady who took my blood
"Huh? What,why -- I just..."
"GET OUT" She rushed me out and said "Tell your family that your type A or O or whatever just think of one they can't know"
"What can't they know?!?!" There was a long pause she looked as if she was deceiving to tell me something "You're type X and no one can no!"
"what the hell is type X"I said,well kinda yelled
"Hush keep you voice down,type X is forbidden only the child of another Type X can get type X it's very rare these days Güg's guards are sent to kill Type X"
"what?,why?,How?!"I say almost crying I don't wanna die!
"Because type X are air to the thrown"she say quietly,probably hoping no one hears.
"No! Your crazy!I'm only 14 and There's no such thing as type X!tell me my blood type or...or...or I'll,um do so thing u won't like!"
"Huhhhhhg"she sighs "Your results were sent online if there's no such thing there's no need to run" she say gesturing to the door
Around 12 men burst through the door armed with guns and identical to my dream "RUN" she yells.I just stand there in shock.BAM a bullet as fast as,well, a bullet hits her in the back,her final words"RUN" so I ran as fast as the bullet which hit her.In tears I ran home straight to bed pondering about her,I didn't even know her name and she helped me.Maybe I really am type X,no can't be what even is Type X?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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