Chapter 3

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Before I start this chapter I would like to say that I am very cautious about continuing this story because there is another one out there that I found and it's similar to mine and I am worried that somebody will try to say I stole the idea. So just to clear my name I DID NOT steal this idea! I came up with it on my own! it is pure coincidental that there are two(that I know of there may be more) stories containing princes and chat rooms. Not to mention I started mine in December of 2010 and the other one was started in April of 2011.

It was so hard writing this chapter! because I wasn't sure if I should start at the airport when she leaves, the plane, or at the hotel in London! so I hope you enjoy where started it.


"Natalia" I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I yawned.

"We are about to land" I opened my eyes to see Karoline, my best friend staring at me from the seat next to mine.

"Okay" I stretched as much as I could in my fairly small airplane seat. I felt a tiny ping of home sickness when I realized just how far from home was. It was heartbreaking to see or rather hear my mom sobbing into my shoulder, but she always was really emotional(Not to mention It's probably that time of the month too if you catch my drift.)

I rocked in my seat as we touched down. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking it is currently 8:00am and 0 °C or 32 °F with a 20% chance of rain. Thank you for flying British Airways we hope you enjoy your stay."

"Aren't you excited?" Karoline, was practically squealing.

"I guess." I said in a monotone voice. But on the inside I was bursting with joy. Adam and I made plans where we would sneak out tonight after everyone went to bed and meet at midnight at the Trafalgar square fountains.

"It's going to be so much fun! there is so much to see and learn! just think of the stories we will be able to tell our grandchildren." I was no longer listening to Karoline, going on and on about the trip, instead I was deep in my own thoughts about Adam and what I was going to say to him when we met tonight. What was I going to wear? will he think I look stupid? Will he find my voice annoying? What if I get sweaty and start smelling bad? is it too cold to sweat? all of the questions in my head are going to slowly drive me insane by midnight.


"Look at our room!" Karoline, jumped on to the bed closest to the wall on the other side of our hotel room. She laughed "What are the chances of us getting to room together?" I scanned the room. Cream colored walls, two full sized beds, a dresser with a TV sitting on top, a door I assumed was a closet, a desk and immediately to the right of the door was a bathroom.

"I'm not sure but I sure am glad!" I took my coat off and draped it on the back of the purple chair pushed up to the desk. It sure was an interesting color but it matched the bed spread.

"Let's go see who Nathan is roomed with!" Karoline, jumped off the bed and nearly tripped on her own suitcase in her mad dash out of the room. I shook my head and decided to unpack my clothes and put them in the dresser provided for guests. _____________________________________________________________________________________

"Hello boys and girls!" one of our teachers, Miss Flank stood at the head of the long table we were currently all sitting at. "I hope you all enjoy the wonderful trip that has been planned for you and I hope you learn a lot because you might be quizzed on it when you get back to school." she sat back down in her chair without another word.

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