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Louis had his legs crossed as he sat on his bed talking on the phone with the person he hated most. His father.

"No dad I'm doing fine..." Louis said unto the phone before muttering under his breath "not like you care"


"No you don't have to come home." Louis said annoyed. He'd rather be alone in the giant house than have the company of his father.


"I don't know. Last I heard she is still living with that greasy boyfriend of hers." Louis said rolling his eyes while talking about his mother.


Louis's eyes narrowed as his father made a comment about him still dressing in the feminine way he did. To this day, his father still didn't agree.


"My grades are fine. No I swear. Okay I guess. Bye" Louis finally said into his phone before hanging up. He threw his phone down frustrated with his family life.

Louis sighed and looked at the ground thinking of how he should get rid of his emotions. He needed to go out and have a good time. Or give a good time for that matter.

Louis picked his phone back up from the bed and started scrolling through his contacts thinking about which lucky guy he could have a little fun with.

Louis smirked when he saw Harry's contact that he had hustled out of Zayn. Louis was surprised that Zayn even had his number. He apparently had it from a long time ago when they were in a four person group project together.

Louis called the number receiving voicemail. Louis called again because he knew that a lot of people didn't answer unknown numbers. He got voicemail again.

Louis groaned when he realized the only one left was Aiden.


Zayn was sorting the coffee cups when the bell at the top of the door jingled signaling someone entered the shop. Zayn looked up with a smile but blushed a bit when he realized it was that cute friend of Harry's that had always been on the corner of his eye.

"What would you like?" Zayn asked trying not to stutter. Zayn was fidgeting on his toes.

The other boy seemed just as flustered as he said in a light voice "Um just a caramel mocha would be fine." 

"Alright is that all?" Zayn asked the cute boy.

"Yes." The boy said.

"Okay your total is $4.13" Zayn said in a smooth voice looking the other boy directly in his soft eyes.

When the boy went back up to the counter 3 minutes later to grab his coffee, he smoothly asked "Your name is Zayn right?"

Zayn smiled "Yeah..." Zayn suddenly blushed "Sorry what was yours again..?"

The boy laughed "Haha its okay I'm not as popular as the almighty Zayn Malik." He then blushed realizing he was caught red-handed that he in fact did already know Zayn's name. 

After a moment the boy blushed and realized he never answered Zayn's question "My name is Liam. Nice to officially meet you." Liam said smiling his most charming smile he could muster.







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