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We arrive home and taehyin go to his room to play with his dollys

Maid:Welcom Home

We smile at Give our bags to our maids

Maid:What food do you want?

We shook our head

Taehyung:No Need But Pls  Tell Taehyin we are going to the mall

Our maid Nod and we go to our bedroom to get dress

I go downstair and saw Taehyin watching his fave cartoon

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I go downstair and saw Taehyin watching his fave cartoon

Taehyin:Unnie where are you goin?

She ask with a confused face

You:Me and Oppa are goin On The Mall

Taehyin:Can i come too?

You:No Its Only For Big Girls and Boys

Taehyin:Ok Have Fun

I smile and Hug Him

Taehyun:Kaja?(Lets go?)

I nod and take my phone and go inside of the car and taehyung drive to the mall

We only saw Jungkook,Wendy,Yoona,Jin,Jimin,Joy and Irene

You:Hi Guys


When irene saw Oppa She blush Hard

Taehyung:Hi Irene


Joy:Yeri Cant Come remember since she has a date with yugyeom

Yoona:Ah...Yes I Forgot
Why is My Brain So old?

Hyoyeon:Why Are The Rest is so slow?

Taeyeon&Seohyun:Hi Guys We are here!!!

We hug them and Smile

I peek at Jungkook he is Glaring at Us...

Then the Rest came Together

Jin:Lets eat Im Hungry

We nod and go to the reataurant and order Pizza

Sooyoung:Im So Hungry

You:You are Always Hungry

Irene and Taehyung are Smiling at Each Other Like They did not see each other for 100 years

Namjoon:Not Hungry Maknae

Jin:And Not Happy again


I smile at Him But He Rolled his eyes

Seohyun:Lets Look for some Beanies

We nod

I go next to Jungkook and Put My Arms Around his Neck and smile

Jungkook:Could You stay away from me?You Are So annoying

You:Its Ok

I pat His Head but he push Me a little

Yuri:Look at this beanie with a Heart so cute..

I nod and Pat His Head



Sooyoung:Ice Cream

Hoseok&Joy:I Thought Beanies


We laugh at the new couple

I peek again at Jungkook he is smiling at Little

Taeyeon:Wow We have a new couple

We giggle until we curved for Ice cream

Seulgi:Vanilla Is The Best

You:Jungkook not eating?

He glare at me and look away

Then I feel Tap on my shoulder its Wendy

Wendy:Look at Irene and your Oppa

I look at the,They are feeding each other

All(Except for jungkook):Aye So Sweet!!!


You:You two are the best couple

I see Irene blush and Taehyung Too

After 2 hours Of Exploring the mall and its 8:00

We all decided to Go Home

Hoseok:Bye Guys Dream your Hopes

I smile

You:Night Jungkook

I really want to see Jungkook smile

He Go to His Car and Start to Drive

Yuri:Why do you care about Him so Much?

You:Nothing i just want to see him Smile

I smile and all of them nod

Jin:See Ya Tommorow

Yoongi:Im So Sleepy

Hyoyoen:Me Too

We all go home and sleep


i go Home

I always Remember Tiffany


I go to My Room and stare at the ceiling

Am I Falling For You??


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