Chapter 7

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She woke up to the smell of coffee. She immediately panicked. She bolted out the door and down the stairs. When she hit the bottom of the stairs, she felt she smacked into a brick wall. She plopped down on her butt with a surprised gasp. She looked up to see a shirtless Cameron, who had his hand out and a worried expression. She scrambled to get to her feet. She was stumbling on her words and couldn't figure out why. "Um. I- I- I- need to- Um." She heard him chuckle. "Are you okay, Anna?" She looked up at him in sudden anger. Did he just call her Anna? She finally got her footing and stood defensively, looking at him with a fierce stare. "What did you just call me?" Liquid fire was rushing through her veins. "Um. I call you, Anna? You didn't care last night." "HOW DARE YOU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She roared. "Look, I-" He muttered "NO. GO." Her voice cracked as she screamed at him. He looked at her with a low head. "I'm sorry." He whispered it, so silently, she almost didn't hear him. He drifted his way out of the room, lingering just for a moment. She slowly climbed the stairs, once again, feeling drained. Why did he make her feel like this after she got angry with him? She always needed to sleep after a fight with him. It was like her body was fighting her for fighting him. She didn't understand, but as she curled into her bed, her last thought was him.

When she opened her eyes again, she smelled roses. Again, he had given her flowers. Did he think flowers fixed everything? Well, they didn't. She sat up to see vibrant, pick roses. The first thing she noticed about them was there was a lonely petal, hanging by a strand. For the first time in a while, she understood what was happening around her. It was easy. She was alone, falling apart. She was the petal, falling from the world around her. She had to find herself again. She knew what she had to do. She had to get out of this house, away from these memories. She had to start over, again. This is the one this she hated, starting over. But, then again, most of her boyfriends just broke up with her. Not died. Is there a starting over for her? How could anyone start over after something like this? She didn't know, but she wanted to try. She NEEDED to try. She couldn't be sad anymore. It was killing her inside. She never let anyone see it, but she was broken. She got out of bed and started walking to her desk, where her laptop sat. It was a small desk, blue and white, like the rest of her room. She sat down and as she opened it, she heard it hum to life. She hadn't used it since before Jase died. So, it hadn't run in a few weeks. To her surprise, it started up without an issue. To make her plan happen, she needed a new place. She and Jase had wanted to move, the house they were in was just too big, so she had the money to get a new place. As she was looking into new places, she heard the roar of an engine. It wasn't until it pulled into her driveway, that she realized it was someone for her. Peeking out her white, lace curtains, she saw a red Ford truck pulling up. The driver? Who else, but the annoyingly, persistent Cameron. With a scowl at the window, she stomped down the stairs and flung the door open before he had a chance to knock. "And what do you think you are doing here?" she spat. He held his hands up defensively. "I forgot to give you this last night. You kind of need it" What does he have that she could possibly need? He reached into his pocket and withdrew her cellphone. She knew it was hers by the case that was on it. She originally got a white case for her phone but one day decided to do little doodles, of cats, of herself, of Jase. She could still see Jase's face in her mind when she had shown him, his voice telling her how talented she was. She missed him, but she needed to not feel the pain anymore. "Thanks." She looked up at him with a smile. "Look, Ms. Armstrong, I overstepped my boundaries and for that, I am really sorry" He looked down; his brow was knitted in frustration. To her, it looked like he was really beating himself for it. "It's okay, Cameron. I overreacted and was not in a good place this morning. I smelled the coffee and jus-" He cut her off, spitting a slew of curse words. "I am so stupid. Why didn't I think? I knew! I fucking knew! I did it anyways! Stupid, stupid, stupid." She looked at him in curiosity. He stopped cursing himself under his breath when he saw her staring. "I did this. I knew coffee would be a trigger for you but I made fucking coffee anyways. I am so stupid. Can you ever forgive me?" At this point, he had tears pooling in his eyes. He really did care. He was sorry. Her body did something on impulse. Without her mind telling her to, she flung her arms around his neck and pulled his body close to her. With tears in her eyes, she whispered "It's okay. It's going to be okay." They both collapsed in a puddle of tears and sorrow. They were still holding each other tight when she heard him whisper, "What do you do to me that makes me do this? I've never felt this way about anyone before. I've never known someone to make me feel so much about them in such a short time. Why are you so different? So addicting." With that, he pulls his face back to peer into her eyes. Their faces just inches apart, she could feel the heat of his breath on her lips. Her chest warmed as her heart started pounding. Slowly, he leaned in for a kiss.

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