Part 3

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Tom has been gone this time around, for two weeks. Filming is due to end in just a couple days. Then Tom will be home for awhile, until he accepts another role. Tom had his regular nightly conversation with Amber before bed. Then he did something, he doesn't usually do, he asked Amber to give me the phone.

*Tom*"Hey, Do me a favor, Kaylee, after you put Amber to bed, will you call me back. I need to discuss something with you."

*Me* "Sure give me a few minutes."

*Tom*  ok, Talk to you soon."

After we hang up, I can't help but worry about what he wants to talk to me about. Is he letting me go? Oh well I guess I'll find out soon enough.

After finally getting Amber to sleep. I quickly call Tom back.

*Me* Hi, what's up?"

*Tom* Hi, hey I was thinking, our wrap party is this Saturday. Why don't you and Amber fly to Australia, and join me. It will be a change of pace for the two of you."

*Me* "I thought you wanted to keep Amber away from the media?"

*Tom* Let me worry about that, I'll order your tickets online. See you Saturday."

With that, he ends the call. I sit there thinking, how is he going to keep Amber a secret, if he's dragging her around a movie set?



"How do you expect to keep Amber away from the media, Tom?" Chris H, says looking confused.

"Well, Kaylee will have to play my PR and Amber's her child?" Chris laughs at me.

"How ya going to pull that off, mate? Amber looks just like you." I clench my jaw tightly, realizing Chris is right. She has my blue eyes, ginger curls, and makes the same expressions I do.

"I guess I didn't think this though, I'll talk to Luke, and see what he thinks." Chris pats me on the back.

"Good luck, man." I give him a lopsided smile.


Tom sent Chris Hemsworth, to pick us up from the airport. I was immediately star struck. I couldn't believe, I was about to ride to the movie set, with The Chris Hemsworth.

"You must be Kaylee?" He says, taking my hand in his, kissing my knuckles, making me giggle like a school girl. He then grabs Amber.

"I know who this little bug is."
He saying tickling her belly, making her laugh.

We shared some small talk as we drove the quick ten minute drive, to the set. Making me feel completely comfortable.

Chris pulls into a very fancy looking hotel, and pulls into a parking space, getting out and grabs our bags out of the trunk.

"This is where you and Amber are staying, and you have a conjoined room with Tom. If anyone asks, you are Tom's cousin and Amber is your daughter." I give Chris a confused look.

"So Amber is supposed to be mine, the whole trip? Chris nods apologetically.

"That's the plan, Tom didn't give this brilliant idea, enough thought. I shift from one leg, to the other.

"Yeah, I guess not." Chris opens the door for me, and helps me check us in.

"Do you want me to help you to your room? Tom should be her shortly." I shake my head.

"No, I think we'll be okay."

"Okay, hope to see you later." Chris says, waving goodbye.

There's a knock on the door between rooms, I unlock it and open it. Tom is standing there with a stupid smile on his face, and Luke is behind him looking pissed.

"Hi, Kaylee." Tom says, walking past me, to hug and kiss Amber.

"Luke, can you take Kaylee for a little while? I need to talk to Tom?" Luke nods and takes Amber's hand and walks out of the room.

"Why did you invite us here, if we are just going to be staying in a hotel room the whole time. Tom runs a hand down his face.

"I'm sorry Kaylee, listen, we will order room service, I'll spend some time with Amber, before the party starts. Then my other assistant will come up, and watch Amber, then we can go to the party." I give him a angry look.

"So when does Amber get to be your daughter for real? You are so worried about keeping her a secret, that you can't even enjoy her. Tom's face turns red.

"Who are you, to tell me how to raise my daughter? Remember Kaylee, you are just the Nanny, and you can be replaced." I look at him, like he just shot me.

"I take care of that little girl, more than you do, and now I'm being told, I have to pretend she is mine, that's unfair Tom, and you know it." He puts his hand on his hips.

"Kaylee, don't bother unpacking, your flying back to London, You're fired!"

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