Get out

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Chapter 1

I grabbed the last box and trudged up the old house's walkway. This place was horrible, it looked so old that it would probably fall apart any second now. I rolled back my shoulders and continued into the house. I walked up the rickety old stairs, down the long dusty hallway and up another set of rickety stairs. Then I turned the corner and went into the first door to the right. The room already had a desk, bed frame, and dresser when I got there. Now this room held a bunch of boxes and a bed, bookshelf, and a bunch of boxes in the bathroom across the hall. There were on two doors on the third floor, and it was my room and the bathroom. I fell onto the bed with a huff. I have been unpacking and bringing up my stuff for 6 hours. My name is Rachel, and im only 15. My parents thought it would be a great start to move somewhere new for once. They picked probably the smallest and oldest town ever to move to. I completely hate it here.

"Rachel! Come downstairs we have to go meet the neighbors!" My mom shouted up to me. I rolled my eyes and walked down the hallway, then the stairs, then the other hallway and finally the last set of stairs. My mom and father were sitting in the floor waiting for me. As soon as my mom saw me she sprang up and nudged my father. He quickly stood.

"Ready?" My father asked me. I nodded an grabbed my jacket that was on the railing. We all piled out of the house and scurried across the street to a house that looked identical to ours. I shuddered thinking about the house. My mother rang the doorbell and put her arm on my shoulder an the other on my fathers shoulder. I shrugged hers off and took a few steps back. The door banged open and a woman that looked at least 33 stood behind the screen, she had black hair, pale skin, an was only wearing mascara and eyeliner. She was fairly thin and was wearing a faded pink shirt with a green apron and white skirt. She looked tired.

"Uhm, are you lost?" The lady asked politely. My mother, whose hair is a bright blonde, tan skin, and wears all the makeup she can pile on, shook her head fast.

"No, we just moved in over there" my mother said pointing to the house across the street. "And we just wanted to meet our neighbors." My mother said causally. The lady took in my moms short black skimpy dress that showed off a lot of cleavage. And her spunky black heels. She could tell we were not from here.

"YOU just moved HERE?" The lady sputtered. My mom looked at my dad. He nodded and looked back at the lady.

"Uh, yeah. But we better get going. Its getting late." My dad barely got out as he turned his attention got the ground. The lady shook her head and put her hands on my shoulders, I tensed up.

"Don't be silly! Come in, come in!" The lady said as she practically dragged me inside. I glanced back at my mom who was looking at my dad. I could tell we were all thinking the same thing, what have we done, and how do we undo it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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