Angry secrets #1 - Bucky Barnes

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I feel like it's nothing more than cheap crap, but I love it anyway XD

Enjoy C:

- Goddammit - I mumbled just before my shaky arms gave up. Everything what I've been holding, fell on the floor. I cursed like professional and if there was a competition in cursing, I'd be the best of the best, champion of champions. But fuck it. It was long day and I had enough.

Let's start with that fucking old woman, Beth. I hate her so much. She's annoying with her 'Turn off this satanistic music!' and 'All day in home. Go to work, young lady'. Today she started talking as soon as I stepped out of my apartment. Oh, how ironic, she told me I'm never in home and what if she lost conciousness or worse. Boy, you know how hard was stopped myself from saying "I wouldn't be happier, Beth" with sweet smile? But okay, she's old and lonely, I could handle this. I could, if everything else wasn't so goddamn annoying.

Fuck this old lady honestly. I was late for my training. I was the chosen one. I was the only one girl in this recruitment for S.H.I.E.L.D. and I was late, because of this son of a bitch, Frank. I swear, he hated me even before I was born. He was assigned to me as my driver or something.. I didn't exactly know. What I knew was it's just until I got my driver licence. But for Frank.. No, to him it was literal hell. He always complained about how he was my slave or something. And I was like 'Bruh, they pay you for that so shut your goddamn mouth and drive me to Stark's Tower'.

I throught it couldn't be worse. But, dude, I was so, so, so wrong.

Okay. I arrived to Stark Tower, I throught I was a little bit late, but when I looked up at the electronic timetable.. I felt irritation taking over. Classes with Mr. Banner was cancelled 5 minutes ago, because he went on mission. I clenched my teeth and palms. Everyone always said I'm emotionaly unstable. Damn, they were right.

I went to the gym across the street. It was better than sitting in one place the whole time. And hell yeah, that was good idea. I could punch the anger out of me and look at the perfect bodies at the same time. To live, not to die.

I was sweating like pig when I headed out to showers. After all this say-no-to-sweat stuff, I went to Stark Tower. Again. But this time I went to shooting range with my best mate Tom. Having him by my side was like blessing. We were laughing the whole time, never stopping. Thanks for him ironic Stark, unfunny Falcon and Mr. I'm-sexy-but-classy Rogers didn't affect me so much. And luckily, I didn't meet my worst nighmare. We did go along, of course we did. But he was my crush, so he pissed me off like nothing else.

At the end of the practical, I went with Tom to fast-food. It was perfect. Nothing but laugh, food unhealthy as hell and this kind face across the table. I swear, soulmate friend is what he was.

We sat there as long as possible, but finally Tom had to go home. So was I. We said 'goodbye' and went in two different directions. From that point, everything started to turn into the shit.

I was in the middle of the road, green light for me and some douchebag started to honk on me after he stopped with screeching tires. I suddenly stopped, pointed at MY green light and showed that motherfucker my handsome middle finger. Then I walked away, annoyed again.

I went to grocery store, quickly grabbed everything I needed and walked to the cashier. And, for heavens sake, it broke. They repaired it as soon as they could, but my impatient ass couldn't understand that and was even more angry than before.

As if that wasn't enough, it started raining as soon as I stepped out of the store. I ran to the nearest bus stop and checked the schedule. It wasn't that bad, because bus was there in 10 minutes.

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