Dungeon: Escape, Death or Love?

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***Pic Of Chris Off To The Side***

The princess ran onto her balcony and looked down at the lights of her father's kingdom. She saw all the lights of the village shimmer silver as the snow blew past. Her mother walked into her room and whispered to her, "Everything will be fine, nothing will happen ok". Her daughter looked up at her mother with her tear filled eyes, "How can you be sure mother?" "It's Christmas Eve and your father isn't that evil to hurt someone on Christmas" her mother said as she handed her the dungeon keys, Take them i knocked out Chris so you could have these keys now go!" her mother ordered. "Thank you" Chloe said as she hugged her and ran to the dungeon. As her mother watched her run to the dungeon she thought, "Will the ghost come cause of this? there's only one way to make sure it doesn't happen! I have to kill my husband". 

Chloe ran down the spiral staircase to the castle dungeon. Her father ordered Zayn to keep her out of the dungeon at any cost, even if he had to kill the king's daughter! She made it into the dungeon and Zayn came out from behind a courner. "Princess! it's forbidden for you to be down here!" "I know Zayn but there is something I must do!" "I'm sure it can wait princess". "Nope!" she said and knocked him out with a frying pan(Haha Tangled XD). "Sorry Zayn but you'll love your present tomorrow" she said and ran further into the dungeon. 

She heard chains hit the wall at the end of the hall, "Let me go! I did nothing wrong!" The princess ran to the end of the hall and saw Hunter chained to the wall bleeding from his side. "What happened?" The princess said in shock as she tore a piece of her dress and wrapped it around his wound. "Ah that hurts! and your father stabbed me after throwing me down here to die!" 


Hunter: "I did nothing wrong! You have no right to do this to me!"

Niall: *picks up a dagger* "My daughter, Chloe, she is precious and only worth of a blue blood not a peseant!" *stabs Hunter in the side*

Hunter: *screams* Bitch!

Niall: *walks back up stairs with a smirk on his face*

Chris: *comes out from behind a coruner* 

Hunter: Babe no get out of here he can't know that you know me 

Chris: You need to get out of here I'm gonna give the Queen the keys to the dungeon *kisses Hunter* *whispers* I love you you'll be ok

***End Flashback***

Chloe unchained Hunter from the wall, "We need to hurry before....., She was cut off by a shadowy figure, "Before what?" it said as it stepped out reviling to be the the King, "I knew you would come down here after him!" the king grew madder turning madder then a volcano. He grabbed the dagger from under his robe, "I'm sorry princess" he pointed the dagger at her and threw it! "NO! IT MISSED!" Niall yelled. The princess toke her hands off her eyes only to see Hunter dead at her feet. She screamed as loud as her lungs let her the entire kingdom shoke. Her mother ran down intot he dungeon, "NIALL!" her mother said evily, "We'll see who levaves this dungeon alive by the time I'm done with you!" She grabbed a sword from the table and jammed it into his heart! "Sorry, but you were the murderer frist". 

The princess was crying over the body of the dead boy when her mother got there it was to late. "Chloe, don't cry" She yelled, "Don't cry! I hope ftaher is happy in hell he got what he wanted!" "But I didn't" a quiet voice said. "Who was that?" the Queen questioned. "Me!" Hunter sat up and said, "sorry for the sacre but he needed to think I was dead". Chloe wiped the tears from her eyes, "Who cares! You're back now and you're ok!". In the shadows, Chris overheard the excited princess and saw her hug Hunter and pin him against the wall. "Whoa, I'm gonna go upstairs" said Taylor heading up the spiral stair case. 

"It's still Christmas Eve, princess". Hunter said. "I know" she said as she thought, "Why don't he just kiss me!". He leaned in close and kissed her as they went up to her balcony and watched the falling snow. Chloe turned to Hunter and kissed him while whispering, "i love you" he whispered back, "I love you too" and they walked into the princess's room and closeded the balcony doors. 

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