Could we be in danger?

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-----------------3 AM----------------------



Ugh! Who the hell is up at 3 AM!

I opened my door to find Kiba standing there.

"What do you want at 3 AM?"

He grabbed me up and spun me around laughing loudly.

"I just pulled the best prank on Naruto!"

"And so you decided to wake me up to tell me that? Couldn't it have waited until tomorrow?"

He pouted at me, disappointed at reaction.

"It was a really good prank."

Akamaru barked before taking a seat on my couch, happily wagging his tail.

"Oh yeah. Thanks Akamaru. We also have a mission tomorrow so I thought it would be better to let you know ahead of time."

He set me down and plopped down on my couch beside Akamaru.

"How long do you think it will last? I have a date tomorrow."


"Calm down Kiba. I have a date with Kankuro from the sand village."

"Oh...well it probably won't take that long. Uuummm..... but careful. There's something weird about those sand ninja. They're dangerous."

"I'll be fine. Want to stay over since you're already here? I don't think Tsume and Hanna would want you waking them up so early."

He grimaced at the mention of his mother and her rage.

"Yeah. Thanks."

He immediately stretched out on my couch and I walked back to my room to grab him a blanket and a pillow.


I threw them at him, smacking him in the face with the pillow.

"Oow! Neo!"

I chuckled and snuggled back into my bed before drifting off to sleep.

---------------6:30 AM------------------

I was getting dressed when I heard a knock on my front door.

"Why does everyone want to come and see me today?"

" I don't know. Take it as a compliment."

Kiba yawned, stretching on my couch...shirtless.

"Will you put a shirt on! God I-"

I stopped when I opened the door to a rather confused Kankuro.

"Sorry but I have a shirt on. It's taking it off that's going to be a problem for you."

He winked at me before finally seeing Kiba pulling a shirt on behind me.

"Who's that?"

Kankuro gave me a accusing glare.

"Kiba. He's one of my friends. One that happened to wake me up at 3 AM this morning to tell me we have a mission today," cue glare," so I let him stay the night."


Kankuro's glare softened into an apologetic look.

"Don't worry about it. What did you want anyways?"

"I came to clear up the details of our date,but if you have a mission..."

"It won't take long only a couple hours. Just a few thieves to deal with is all."

Love of a Puppet Master (Kankuro Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now