Glass and Blood

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Blinding... Thats the first way I can describe how I felt. My now bloodstained leg screamed in protest as I tried to manoeuvre out of the debris that used to be the backseat of Eli's pride and joy. Besides the single bullet wound embedded in my thigh and what felt like a stiff kick to the head I was unharmed. In front of me I could see Gabe's Silhouette and hear his ragged breathing. He's alive I thought to myself but suddenly became alarmed when he began to stir and I realised Robbie was nowhere to be seen, until I heard Gabe cry out to him. I followed his line of sight and saw him.


Cold... thats the second way to describe How i felt in that moment. Robbie who minutes ago seemed so Lively and Carefree with me and Gabe, who spoke of racing and his choice to abandon school to support the family he loved with all his heart, laid still and unmoving in the middle on the street. I searched Desperately through my view of him for anything. The Gentle rise and Fall of his chest or the pulsing vein against his neck but I saw nothing. A cold terror shot through my veins.

He wasn't moving. I could see the glass embedded in his body from the short distance between the wreckage of the charger and him. I could smell the mixture of Blood, gasoline and ash surrounding us. I heard a soft thrum from further up the bridge. a single light followed the sound as It got louder and brighter. a motorbike I thought. In an instant Gabe and I were shouting for help. The revving of the bike died out and I could hear footsteps to my right. Leather Clad arms dragged Gabe out and after a moment returned to help me.

 After Gabe and I had been pulled to safety I saw the man walk over to Robbie and kneel down beside him. I couldn't see much past the side of the car that blocked his face from our view. I almost swore I saw flames through the side of the cracked window but brushed it off as my concussion playing tricks on me. After what Felt like forever but I knew wasn't much longer than a dozen heartbeats I saw Robbie move. I heard Gabe's sigh of relief as he knew that his brother was alive. The man, the good samaritan that had helped us from the wreckage and helped Robbie walked back to his bike and drove away. But I was too concerned about Robbie to worry about our saviour's disappearance  For a moment I had my doubts, I believed Robbie was dead. I didn't know how right I was.


Once I was convinced that Robbie was alright I hauled my body up into a standing positing and convinced my body to make the first step towards Gabe. I reached into my right pocket for my smartphone and handed it to Gabe. "Call an ambulance" he needed no further explanation and took the phone immediately. I left Gabe against the Curb and made my way to Robbie. When i was less than a foot away I knelt down beside him and took his hand. He looked into me in terror as if he had seen a Ghost. "emma" he gasped clearly out of breath from his fall. "Gabe... Is he?" I knew he was terrified which answer I would give him. "No, no, no... he's alright Robbie... he'll be alright." 

He let out a sigh, relieved that on this day he hadn't lost his brother or the woman he cared so deeply for. Before long I heard the distant sound of sirens coming from the other end of the bridge. The ambulance I thought. Even though what had just happened was horrific on so many levels. Between seeing the man in leather who helped us, up until seeing the brief red and blue reflections off a puddle further up the bridge, I couldn't help the feeling of hope bubbling in my heart. We had survived an attack by the Locos and not for lack of trying. Somehow I knew we'd be okay. But I also felt something strange in the air. Something dark. I knew that myself, Robbie and Gabe would change. But for now we were alive and together. Whatever came next we would face. 

Blinding and cold (DISCONTINUED AND ADOPTED OUT)Where stories live. Discover now