This persons name isn't actually Ron, thats just what im going to call him for the sake of not being in a super socialy akward situation.
Can i just start off by sayng.... Fuck you! but actually nvm i dont want to fuck you like literilly... just like as in like 'i hate you and want you to go die ina hole' fuck you not 'omfg you're so hot lets bang! fuck you' Omfg you know what i mean!
Anyway let's get on with it. . .
Ron, shut the fuck up. I dont give a shit what you think. I'm doing the best i can with what i have. Sam, Hazel, and all the others are perfectly fine and don't appreciate your "concern" we went through a rough time okay? but things are better now and everyone is healthy and back to normal. No ist not my fault everyone got that way, they were all happy, and are now happy again thanks to.. guess who? ME! so shut the fuck up, you're not helping.
Just do everyone a favor and keep your jugdmental opinions to yourself.