The Burden of a Secret

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Hey Peoples, so this update is dedicated to Artandkisses. She is an amazing person and author, so go and check out her new book The Burden of a Secret. Anyways, hope you like it!

 Anyways, hope you like it!

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What is it about?

"My book is called The Burden of a Secret, and it is about a 14 year old girl named Dailria (played by Nina Dobrev) that lives in the medieval ages and is ..wait for it.. a princess. She finds out that she has the power of telekinesis. One of her close friends or family betrayed her and sells her on the black market. She must now find a way to get out of the new place where she is a slave, find a way out of the blood lands , and keep her secret hidden, and, learn out how to survive without her maids ad slaves to wait on her." Artandkisses

Peace out peoples!!!

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