23.Marlee, Molly,and Lexi

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I grab my phone and tap the screen several times until the loud noise finally stops.

I groan. Last night was a long night, and I'm still extremely tired. But I have things to do today, and people to talk to, therefor I must get out of bed.

I slip on a pair of jeans, along with a tie-dyed shirt.

I then head over to the bathroom to straighten my hair, apply a bit of makeup, and brush my teeth. I quickly slip on a headband and nod in satisfaction before leaving the room with only my phone and my dignity.


I walk into the dinning room for breakfast. I sit at a table with Mackenzie and four other random people. I choose to sit by her because she is honestly the easiest to talk to right now.
"Hey Mackenzie", I say, sliding into my plastic chair.

She looks up and smiles,"hey! How did you sleep?" I know she's still thinking about our conversation last night, so am I. I'm honestly really glad we had a chance to talk.

I smile,"good, I just didn't sleep enough."

She nods,"I know how you feel. I didn't go to bed until like 1:00 but once I feel asleep, I swear, there could have been a war, and even that wouldn't have woken me up."

I laugh."Yeah, same." She smiles back, and doesn't say anything, so I decide to start another conversation,"do you know what the plan is for today?"

Just as I ask that Abby's voice explodes from the microphone,"good morning camp councilors. So before I allow you to go get your breakfast I just wanted to remind y'all about the meeting. After breakfast you will have about an hour break before we have to meet back here for a meeting at 10:00. The meeting will only be an hour, and then after that feel free to just hang out around the camp for the rest of the day."

As I eat my breakfast, I go over my plan. Once im done eating I'll go and find both of them. Once I find them I'll talk to them about everything. Then of course, I'll go to the meeting. And then on to the next person

Throughout breakfast Mackenzie and I catch up, learning more and more about the other by the second. We laugh and share information like our favorite color, and food.

After breakfast I follow the plan and watch to see what direction the two of them go off into. That sounds really creepy but hey, I can't read minds, how I supposed to know where they are going without watching them?

Anyway, I see them walking toward the tire swing, so I take a deep breath, wait a minute or two, and follow them.

Once I spot the large oak tree I see Molly and Marlee sitting underneath it. They are talking until Marlee stops mid sentence when she sees me. Molly looks confused at why Marlee stopped talking, until she spots me too. Unlike Lexi they look scared and nervous.

I walk over to the tree, standing a few feet in front of them,"hey."

"Hi", they say in unison.

"Um...,can I sit down, maybe we can talk", I say.

They both nod."Yeah, okay",Molly says.

I sit down and start to get the feeling that Molly did see me in Starbucks. "Molly? Marlee?"

"Yeah", Molly says.

"Hu?"Marlee replies.

"Are you two mad at me", I ask them.

Molly raises her eye brows,"no, not at all."

"Yeah, why would you think that",Marlee asks me, curiously.

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