Plezzz just waittt..... ;-;

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Hey guyz! It's me..Kaze! (I change my name) I'm very sorry to everyone (well if theres still someone who keep this story)...My phone broke down..and it cant go to homescreen, the 'back' button and some of the phone screen blocked me from typing alphabet and MORE I CANT PLAY GAMES! Well i have my way to type this (surely the notifications bars - settings - wattpad. Dont mind me if ya'll didnt understand)..

I really appreciate to some of the reader-san who still looking forward with this story & give me 'supports comments'. Thank you very much.

Idk if you want to believe me or not. But..its all in your hands btw.

My dad gonna give me his old phone but i dont know when but surely i make him to give me faster (He gonna repair the phone first)...


I just hope that you can wait..for me to updates new chapter of Believe...I have SOOOOOOOO MANY ideas & cliffhanger to put in the new chapter. You see i only can listen to music & if someone chat with me, they will need 'bout 10 minutes to me to reply..and now i'm flipping the phone to press THE DAMN ALPHABET!!

P/s: Bad words is bad 4 ur health. Just look at Kyousuke!
Kyou: I'm healthy.  (GLARES)
Me: I mean ur attitude.
Kariya: No he just badas-
Tenma: (secretly eating popcorns with Shinsuke when Kirino and Kariya declared a  war)
Kyou:( Give them weapons & sit next to Tenma
Shindou: (EPIC SWEATDROP when Kariya got kick by Kirino across Kaze' room.
Me: (With Shindou . EPIC SWEATDROP.)


Next chapter in Believe..


"Tenma's dad!?"


"Why theres coffin in the middle of jungle!?"

"Yo-you shou-should ru-"

"Lala-Lalaya!? Thats..Kat-Katora!!"

"He's watching you..."

"Oh my son...Matsukaze~ "

"ah~  here you are~"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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