Chapter 4

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The only one who woke up screaming is Hoseok. Yet the four woke up sweating from the so-called 'nightmare'.

Getting up from his bed, Hoseok headed toward his bathroom preparing for another day. After doing his routine, Hoseok made his way towards the park nearby. There he met someone who made his life a living hell...........Suwon (If you want to change the name then, you can comment down who you want the ex to be) sitting on a bench, probably waiting for someone.

Seeing that, that the devil was there he quickly ran away from the park. But Suwon saw Hoseok and smirked, he knew what he did to the guy and didn't regret what he's done. What Hoseok didn't know that Yoongi was following him, keeping him safe.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, he thought it was Suwon and ran faster so did the footsteps. Reaching an alleyway, the teacher quickly hid near the bin and suddenly the footsteps stop.

"Hyung? Are you around here? Don't worry that creepy guy isn't following me." Said a voice that sounded similar to Yoongi

"W-who are you?" Stuttered Hoseok still didn't come out of his hiding spot.

"It's Yoongi" said the younger, going closer to where the voice is coming from

Peeking from his hiding spot, Hoseok found Yoongi standing there with his cute gummy smile. Hoseok can fell tears running down his face in relief. Running to Yoongi, Hoseok threw himself to Yoongi. Wrapping his arms on Yoongi's neck and Yoongi wrapped his around Hoseok's slim waist.

Breathing in each other's scents, both males were equally enjoying their little moment, especially Yoongi. They took a while to realize that they were hugging for minutes that seemed like a long time.

A bark seemed to snap them out of their little moment, upon hearing the bark Hoseok was the first one to pull away, disappointing Yoongi.

"We should go, Yoongi" Hoseok walked out of the alleyway with Yoongi following behind like an obedient puppy. They walked, talked, teased each other, not realizing there was something/someone following them.

"We should go to a cafe nearby, I'm hungryyy~~~ Yoongi feed meeee~~" by
using aegyo Hoseok got free food, while that someone(*cough* Jimin *cough*) was glaring at them with jealousy in their eyes and went the other way.

Arriving at the cafe, Hoseok noticed the cafe was named as 'le moments'( original right?). Entering the cafe, they both went to the cashier and ordered.

"Order me green tea size medium. I'll find seats. Bye." Before Yoongi could reply, Hoseok was already gone. After ordering their orders yoongi went to find their seats but couldn't find him on the first floor so he went up and was surprised by what he saw.

A slightly sweaty Hoseok with his head pulled back, resting on the wall. The only thing in Yoongi's mind is 'why the fuck is he so hot? what the fuck?'. Grabbing the chair in front of his slightly sweaty teacher, Yoongi continued to stare at this thing you call Hoseok. But the waiter had to ruin the beautiful sight, making Hoseok jump slightly and look at Yoongi before asking

"When did you get here?" Hoseok said still  looking quite dazed

"Just now actually" Yoongi stood up and got the drinks from the waiter and set them down on the table.

"Oh..." Hoseok was sipping on his green tea.

Yoongi tried to start a conversation but Hoseok was too busy sipping his drink.

2 Hours later

It was getting dark and they were just sitting in awkward silence, Hoseok has to escape this awkward silence.

"Yoongi, I have to go," Hoseok said while getting up from his seat but a voice made him stop

"Wait! I'll walk you home" said Yoongi, running to Hoseok so he could stop him

"Alright let's go!" Grabbing Yoongi's hand, they both walked home hand in hand


Hoseok is still awake knowing that he should be sleeping. Yet he just stayed there, lying awake not getting sleep because of someone he saw.

Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating for the past few days
I had my exams and I guess that's not a valid reason to not update right? But really my grades are dropping because of too much sleeping and less studying.
I hope you like this chapter
Comment if you want the ex to be someone else
Also, comment if you enjoyed this chapter or rather the Yoonseok moment?. The next chapter will be the next day so don't be confused and just message me if you don't get it
Chilepill out!

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