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Hi. My parents call me zrynetta, my friends call me zryney, my best friend calls me netta but at the moment I am known as N10385. My parents call me a child, my friends call me a funny 19 year old girl, my best friend calls me a crazy head but at the moment I am called N10385. My parents say im fairly mature, my friends ssy I'm smart, my best friend says I'm outgoing and amazingly smart but at the moment they day I'm number N 10385.

My parents being Tanisha my mother and Zachery my father. My friends being Aliana, Josiey, Samana (pronounced - Sar mar na), Tom and Jaxx. My best friend being Anisha. And those who named me N10385 are my captives the Korean.

I am a prisoner of war. I am a prisoner of WW3. I am a prisoner of a war that has been going for the last 8 years. I am a prisoner of a war thats seems to never be going to stop. I am a prisoner of a war where China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Pakastan, Iraq, Iran and Germany are fighting against Australia, Britan, America, Africa, Russia and Canada. With the rest of the smaller countries on whichever side. I am a prisoner of war and have been one for 4 years.

I get fed once a day with a slice of bread, a bowl of luke warm soup and a coffee. I own one pair of clothes which consists of a thin nightgown and slippers. I sleep in a room made for about four people. I share that room with four other gjrls and two guys. I get a new nightgown once a month along with the others in my room. I sleep on the floor after having given my mattress to an older lady who was very sick.

My life is hard.  Our life is hard. But I have gotten usrf to it. They have gotten used to it.

Today he looked at me and it scared the crap out of me. I've heard that if he looks at you bad thing happen. Today he talked to me but what he said wss nice. He said he could help me get home but I didn't believe him he's Japanese he's the enemy. He would kill me but I was curiousso I listened to him hoping he wouldn't suddenly grab his rifle of his shoulder and shoot me. He didn't. He told me to meet him straight after meal time behind the toilets block. So straight after meal time I went he told me he could help me get out but it would mean lots of lying and he would have to pretend he wanted me in a way he didn't. His words " I will go and tell my boss that I want number N10385 for the night. He will let me and when he does I will come and collect you. You must pretend you dont want to come with me though. We qillw then have to go into my room and come dangrrously close to having sex im sorry I dont want it but he may walk in and if he finds us doing nothing he will shoot us both. Then at about 11:00 o'clock we will be able to sneak out under the cover of darkness and at five past leave through the staff gate. From there we walk two kilometers to the jeep. And tomorrow you will be back home. It will be risky but are you willing." Obviously I answered with yes. Even though we would be coning dangerously close to doing... stuff it qould be the least I could do in repayment of him being a traitor to his country all for the dake of one 19 year old girl.

Tomorrow I will be home. Tomorrow i will be called zrynetta again. Tomorrow i leave the girl called N10385  behind......HOPEFULLY....

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