How it started

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How it started. This may be the only non-depressing part.
Not until I realize what I lost
I mean.
What he lost.
Washington school.11:20 on a Wednesday.I was in my moms office in the left corner of the stage in the gym
when he came in.
What was that you ask? Oh it was just his first words striking and planting its self with bolts into my Train of thoughts and into my soul.
My soul
"Hey mom"
To my own mother
"Hey mom"
I had a strange face as my mom introduced me to ....... "He"
As he open his mouth to say the following words
Oh the following words
The words he said
The words that forever will be carved on my grave stone.
"She's adorable"
Those words seem so simple yet could sink the titanic as it unrolls it's strong meaning.
It really does have a strong meaning.
He said it as if it was just cutting a piece of cake. However the cake was my heart and the knife were the words.
Cutting straight through my veins straight through the skin of the machine that keeps me alive
The one important thing
He took
Was my heart
He never gave it back
He did
But not in a whole full healthy piece
He gave it to me broken down to pieces.
Red everywhere
All sowed up like a broken teddy bear
It wasn't always tears broken pieces
He was a good person
With bad intentions
Almost like a black hole you would say. He looked dangerous up close .
But beautiful in a distance.
And the inside
No one knows
It's nothing
He who is a black hole can be anything he wants to be.
Dangerous ?
Beautiful and gentle ?
No one knows
I do
That's not the point of this book
It's to show you the empty feeling  of he
The one who left me.
To the one who left me.

To The One Who Left Me Where stories live. Discover now