First day at school

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Hi im Hannah and im 18 though i hate school and only  go just to see someone which your guessing is selfish towards my friends which is'nt true because i do also go for them enough of me lemme tell you how my day went. So today was the first day back after the summer break but it wasnt as fascinating as i was expecting it to be because i wanted to have all the time with well erm Zack but of course he doesnt even talk to me anyway at that moment my friend Kendall was literally calling my name "Hannah, earth to Hannah"
"What" I replied unbothered q and then she said "were you daydreaming about Zack?" But instead of replying i just blushed and looked at my phone's screen. As i was obsorbed into my screen Kendall texted me since she didnt want to disrupt my akwardness.
Kenny👭: Was i telling truth bout you daydreaming bout Zack?
Me: No way 😊
Kenny👭: Ik your lying i could see it on your face and besides we all know you like him and that you cant describe your love for him 😂😍😘
After she typed that I looked up at her but instead of making any eye contact with her I said, "Ik i love him and im not bothered he deserves it im always and forever his" instead of saying cute and luscious things Kendall burst out laughing but saying romantic comments. So i just bothered her about Justin which she didnt mind at all. Justin is Kendall's boyfriend ever since 7th grade they liked each other but not until 10th grade did they actually express their feelings for one another. But let me guess Kenny hopes one day me and Zack will share a strong cunning relationship but guess what she's wrong and even if it ever does happen I would be the happiest girl but I have no doubt it will never happen and that's that.

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