The new neighbor

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one sunny day my friend Kelsey was over we were hanging out in my room when we hear "hurry up Cody" we look out the window and there

was a moving van and a young boy carrying a box blond hair blue eyes

red shirt with hurly written in blue blue warnout jeans "he's cute "said Kelsey as I shouted "dibs" Cody turned to look at the window as me and Kelsey ducked "I think he heard you" said Kelsey "oops" we started laughing alot we went down stairs to get a snack. As we hear the

door bell ring.

I go to answer the door I look through the peeping whole "it's him"

I said to Kelsey quietly I open the door.

"were you watching me?" asked Cody

"maby " I say

"well if your ganna watch me can I atleast know your name "he said

"umm Heather " I say

"cool mines Cody "he says

"I know I mean umm I heard some one shout it that's what I meant" I said "oh ok "he said "I got to get back to moving in so see yah around "

"looks like It"I said.

as I was watching him walk away through the peep whole he turned around and smiled with his perfect lips with a hint of his white teeth

"he is so hot" I thought to my self. "stop staring at him" said Kelsey

"ok "I said

"don't worry you'll have plenty of time to stare at him "said Kelsey

"I know are you staying another night"I asked

"I am now" said Kelsey

"ha ha " I say

"well I Gadda call my mom to tell her" said Kelsey

"ok I'll make the sandwiches while you call your mom"

"ok be back in a minute".

Later that day we were in my room I looked out my window and

Cody was watching me and Kelsey.

"oh my gosh he's watching us"I said

"he totally likes you"said Kelsey

"nuh uh"

"well he is watching us and you answered the door"

"oh yah"

later that night he was still watching use at the night. so I closed

my curtens. it was really creeping us out we couldn't fall asleep

my mom was at her boyfriends house so we were left alone .

I couldn't help but think about his perfect lips that one day I

Will finally kiss the perfect first kiss."I can't sleep he is really

creeping me not maby I should go home"said Kelsey

"and leave me all alone I bet he already went to sleep ok"

as I looked out the window it turned out he already did

"look he is sleeping"I said

"ok I might be able to sleep now" said Kelsey



in the morning we got dressed went down to eat.

"we should make cookies then take some over to Cody"said Kelsey

"how do we know Harcourt will answer the door" I said

"oh yah let's still do it "she said


after we made cookies I took them over to Cody house

I knocked on the door and to my surprise he answered the door

this time he was wearing a plain blue shirt with black shorts

looked so cute .

"hey" he said

"huu hi"

"what's up"

"uh I made cookies for my grandma and I made extras and I thought you might like some"

"shure thanks"

"bye see you later "


as I was walking away I turned around and I saw him watching me though the window.

I hadn't seen him for a few weeks then he randomly showed up at my

door he looked so cute this time he was wearing his red hurly shirt

and blue shorts this time they didn't look so warn out I opened the door

"hey" I said


"what are you doing here"i asked

"have you seen the news"


"go turn it on"

i walk over and turn it on girls are missing in this town

"oh my God" i say



heyy guys thank you all my wonderful readers sorry it takes me so long to update we don't Internet at the time and we wont get it till a few weeks so i have to walk down the road and use my neighbors Internet so yah please more reads :(

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