Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Mom, you're being unreasonable right now!" I yelled exasperated as she blocked the doorway not allowing me to go out.

"No I am not," She said with hands on her hips. "I'm just trying to keep you safe," She said leaning back against the door.

"From what? He's my mate he wont hurt me!" I ran a hand down my face rubbing my temples.

"How can you be so sure? He's a monster and you know it. I will not let you get hurt your my only child," She said tears filling her eyes. Tom, my mom's mate put his hand over her shoulder envoloping her in a hug trying to comfort her.

"He is not a monster, stop calling him that," I gritted out. "He atleast deserves a chance I cannot reject him just because of some stories I've heard,"

"Give him a chance? Until what? You get killed? I'm not going to let that happened," She said tears falling down her face. A pained expression crossed over Tom's face. He was obviously upset about his mate being sad because I know he couldn't care less about me. He's been wanting to get rid of me since the day he met my mom. 

You see Tom is my mom's real mate. My didn't wait for her real mate when she got bored of trying to find him. She married my dad and had me. Then seven years later Tom came into the picture. And of course my dad and Top had to battle each other to win my mom even though my mom obviously wanted Tom. Tom ended up killing my real dad and I've been making his life ever since. 

"Mom, I can't just reject my mate. How would you feel if someone told you to reject Tom? It isn't fair for me. We were made for each other. The Moon Goddess isn't just going to put us together if he is going to kill me. He's my mate if he hurts me, he'll hurt himself. You can't just deny me from seeing the one true person out there who's made just for me," I pleaded. I had long passed cried. I've been standing here beggining her to let me leave for the past two hours.

"I know..I just don't want you to get hurt. If I loose you I-I don't know what I'd do with myself." She let go of my dad and came and crushed me in a hug.

"And you wont. He's my mate mom you have to understad that," I pulled back and she whiped her tears away. "You can go back as long as you're back before sundown," She said seriously.

"Mom, its five. The sun is going to set in like two hours. And since when did I have a curfew?" I said hands on my hips. "Honey let her go," He said pulling her back and opening the door. "Keep us updated and just text us every few hours," He said before shutting the door as my mom tried to grab me back. 

I let out a sigh of relief and quickly left before my mom got outside to come and get me. Walking the short way to Lily's house Images of him flooded my mind. I couldn't wait to see him again. After meeting Dean-Luca's Beta-he got into one of his bipolar attitudes and stormed into a room closing the door right behind him. I was hurt but there wasn't really much I could do.

As I walked up the steps and opened the door to Lily's house I was greeted by the lovely smell of food. Walking into the kitchen Lily was seated on a chair stuffing her face. I gave her a disgusted look as she smiled food still in her mouth and waved at me.

"Gross," I said as I sat accross from her. "Hurry up we need to get going!" I told her as she continued to eat.

"Go where?" She gave me a confused look.

"To the pack house of course!" I told her with a smile on my face.

"Ohh we're going to see your mate," She said a smirk taking over her face.

"Yup! So whats your change of mood about him. I thought you didn't like him?" I said raising a brow.

"I never said that," She said looking at me innocently. "Okay okay, he just scares me thats all" She said in a small voice. I laughed. "That's understandable."


"So where are we meeting him?" Lily asked as we stepped into the pack house.

"I honestly have no idea," I told her looking around.

"What do you mean? You didn't plan something?" She asked confussed.

"Nope, he kind of left abruptly yesterday," I told her not looking in her eyes and hurt clear in my voice.

"Well do you have any idea where he might be?" She asked as we walked futher inside. "I remember where his room is. That's creepy though, what am I going to do? Knock on his door and be like 'hey wanna hang out?'

"Yea that's exactly what you do. Now lead the way," She motioned for me with her hands. Throwing my head back a little and signing I lead her to where his room was. "Thats it," I said standing in front of it not wanting to knock.

"Well...what are you waiting for?" Lily eyed me.

"Maybe we should just go back to your house. This is a bad idea. What if he doesn't want to see me," I said looking at the door then back at her.

"Your his mate of course he wants to see you idiot," She said punching my arm.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" I whisper yelled.

"For being stupid!" She whispered back.

"Well that's for being a bitch," I said kicking her foot. She leaned forward holding her leg. "What the fuck?" She yelled out as she put her fist up to punch me. I blocked it right as the door opened to a shirtless god standing in the doorway running his hand through his hair.

He raised and eyebrow at us while giving us an annoyed look. "Any reason why you're standing out my door while I'm sleeping?" He asked clearly annoyed.

"U-um well you see we," I stuttered not being able to form out any sentences as I stared and his sculptured chest. "We were here because Lena wanted to see you," Lily said happily as I turned to face her with a 'what the fuck' look on my face while elbowing her stomach.

He turned to look at me and I looked away I was too shy and felt weird. I've never felt like this before. I've never had a boyfriend so I've never really knew what having amate would be like. Even though they're not quite the same they are still very similar. I've never really cared about anybody in this type of was and it was scary.

I don't know if I liked this feeling or not. Esspecially with a complete stranger.I've only known him for a day and I already could not stand being away from him. "You wanted to see me?" He asked suprised.

I looked up and nodded biting my lip. He let out a low growl and I immedeatly stopped. I turned to my side to see that Lily was no longer next to me. That bitch left me here. So much for being my best friend. I turned back to Luca and he was giving me a weird look as if trying to figure me out.

"Take a picture, It'll last longer."

He rolled his eyes and then the serious look was back on his face. "Tomorrow at 10 a.m. we're leaving. Pack your bags and be down here by then" He went to close the door and I stuck my leg out between the door.

"What? No! I can't leave. I have a life here. I don't even know you! You can't just drag me away." 

"Watch me" 

He had another thing coming if he thought that he could boss me around like that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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