Au Revoir

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Serena could feel her soul tearing itself apart
with every inch the escalator descended. The
violent retching in her heart as its teeth pulled
her away from her love for good. She was
leaving them. Her back turned. She couldn't see
it, but she knew. Ash was smiling. Not because
he's happy they're leaving. But in a solemnly
optimistic way, like he always does. She returned
that solemn smile, trying to be supportive of his
future endeavors. But she knew she couldn't hold
it for long. As much as he said they'd meet
again someday, she knew he was lying. She
knew they'd never see each other again. And she
accepted it. She didn't mind it. She just wished
they had more time. Tears welled up in her eyes.
He's leaving. He's going away. They'll never see
each other. Ever again. And there was nothing
she could do. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She
tried her hardest to stifle back the tears. And it
worked. For the most part. She started shaking.
And she knew they knew. She knew that they
saw the pain inside of her. All the pain. It was
clear as day. Her lungs started suffocating in the
midst. And she realized. She wasn't breathing.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Holding it for a moment, then releasing it. She
couldn't stop thinking. It can't end like this. It
cannot end like this. She debated running for it.
She knew she was gonna cry. And she didn't
want their final goodbye to be so desolate. But
she couldn't do it. No way. No way. It just can't
end like this. Serena finally made it to the
bottom, and she stood there for a moment,
looking at them one more time. They shared
another smile. A sullen smile. One with a twinge
of regret on their lips. It made Serena's heart
collapse. And she just knew. It can't end like
"Ash, can I say one last thing?" She called.
But, before he could say anything, she sprinted
back up the escalator as fast as she could. And,
as she reached the top, she stepped in close to
Ash and planted a kiss on his lips. It was soft.
Her heart fluttered and a warm feeling settled in
the pit of her stomach. As expected, Ash was
startled, and he began to pull away, taken
aback. But, as was not expected, he didn't pull
away completely; But he stepped forward,
returning the kiss. And Serena could not believe
it. They shared a moment, frozen in time, where
all their troubles, anxieties, and regrets melted
away. A hole, once gaping, the edges being torn
at constantly, now began to mend itself. And
Serena felt whole again. She didn't know where
the impulsive act came from. But god damn, was
she glad she did it. Though, it wasn't without
regret. She regretted that she waited so long for
this moment, in fear that it wouldn't be
reciprocated. But as of this moment, it was being
reciprocated. And she couldn't be any happier.
Once again, Serena could feel her soul tearing
itself apart with every centimeter the escalator
descended. The violent retching in her heart
returned as its teeth pulled her away from her
love for good. As it pulled, she balanced on her
toes, reaching forward as much as she could just
to prolong the kiss a little bit longer. And Ash did
the same. Stepping forward a little bit, trying to
hold on. But they eventually were torn apart,
unwillingly. And Ash stood, dumbfounded.
Watching Serena as she descended the escalator
one more time. Her hands behind her back. And
her face red. Smiling. In that moment, they both
forgot Clemont, Bonnie, and Pikachu existed.
They just stared at each other, sharing an entire
conversation, silently, with nothing but their
eyes. And as Serena reached the bottom, she
finished what she was gonna say.
"Thank you... and goodbye."

Thank You And Goodbye Where stories live. Discover now