A difference

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I feel the cold ocean spray on my face, from the soft autumn wind. I sit on the red rock cliff side. Closing my eyes listening to the piercing sounds of horses and men. I focus on every detail. If I focus even more, I can hear the ocean waves crashing on the shore and cliff. What is farther than those waves? Farther than the ocean?

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt hot breath on the back of my neck. I reach my hand up to feel a strong neck and soft hide. I stand and pet my black beast. I run my hand down his neck to feel his gills. He isn’t just any horse, hes a water horse, capaill usice (Kup-all ISH-ka).

“Satin” I whisper the name and the horse’s ear perk up. I smile and keep stroking him.

Satin whinnied and nipped at my hair.

“One day I’ll make a difference”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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