02 || Drive, Drive, Drive

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Grayson early drove above the speed limit, risking herself in getting some tickets. Luckily, she didn't get in any kind of trouble.

She continues her 12-hour drive, hoping she will reach New York without any problems. She would jam out to her favorite music on her car's radio, and maybe listen to a few podcasts. Every once in a while, Gray stopped to grab some coffee and food to keep herself wide awake.

She never thought she would be accepted into a college in New York and be able to make this entire drive. Grayson is going to be thrilled to make it into the famous city and begin her life.

And get a great nap...


"Thanks for breakfast, Isabel. It was great." Donnie smirks, crumbling his napkin up.

"Anytime. If you'd like I can bring dinner tonight." She smiled at him, hoping he would say 'yes'.

Donnie itched the back of his head. "Uh... well Mikey wanted to have his cheese pizza. Sorry."

"No, no, it's cool," Isabel says. "I understand completely. Mikey really likes his pizza."

"More like love." Donnie chuckles. He looks over a few buildings and sees the sun's light was kissing the edges of a few structures. That's his cue to crawl back into the sewers. "I have to get inside."

"Yeah, I'll walk you down," Isabel says with a smile.

"Okay." He grinned.

Isabel turns to the ladder of the roof and climbs down with Donnie looking down to the busy streets of Manhattan. One last look around before going into hiding as always. He breathed in deeply and let out a big sigh before he heard Isabel calling him. "Donnie-Boy!" She hollered. "Come on!"

Don snapped out of fantasy land and went to the ladder where he saw Isabel waiting for him at the bottom near a manhole cover. He went down the ladder and met up with the girl. "You know.." He says to Isabel. "Sometimes I wish I was human..."

Isabel's eyes lit up. "R-Really? As in stay up here with me-- I mean, other humans?" She giggled.

The mutant shrugged, nodding at her. "Yeah, it may sound stressful but everyone needs some kind of stress in their life." He chuckled at her, lifting the manhole up. "But I gotta get back down to the lair, Isabel. I'll see you later?"

Isabel cleared her throat, nodding at him. "Yes, of course! I'll definitely see you later."

Don smirked. "Cool." He ducked down into the manhole, covering it up as he disappeared.

When Donnie went back underground, Isabel chuckled at the thought of being with Donnie. Ever since she met him, she's fantasized about what it would be like to be his 'girlfriend' or his 'wife'. As she walked out of the alleyway with a full stomach, she was walking the streets of New York with a shade of blush on her cheeks. She was obsessed with him.


Later in the day, the sun was at its highest and Grayson was getting closer to New York. If she keeps going at the speed she's going, she might even get there very early.

The young girl couldn't express how excited she was to be living in the Big Apple. Soon, she'll be seeing her new apartment she will be living in temporarily so she could take some online classes before getting her hands on some real education.

Gray was already thinking about how she should decorate her room, the living room, or even the bathroom! She has always had a thing for setting a perfect theme for her future home. Now that the moment is here, she isn't sure what the theme should be.

Forest theme, ocean, yellow theme, tropical? She doesn't know just yet. Maybe if she set her eyes on some decor deals at the store will help her out with what she wanted to do. Only time will tell.


Donnie spun in his chair today, tired of being stuck in boredom yet again. But he is glad that the day is going by quickly as he listened to music and decided to play a few games of Tetris. Each time, he beat his high score and of course, he is proud of himself.

To keep time going, Donnie took a break from his technology and watered the plants that were sitting around the lair. Next, he wipedown the countertops, swept the kitchen, and even picked up some scattered garbage.

By the time he was cleaning the dojo, and organizing things around the living room, it was time for dinner. This means Michelangelo would be picking up a pizza he pretty soon as an anonymous New Yorker.

Donatello slumps on the couch, taking in a short moment of relaxation before the pizza arrived. "What a day..." He says.

"What did you do today?" Leo asked from his room, watering his bonsai tree. 

Don looks at his older brother. "Huh? Oh, just did some things around the lair."

Leonardo nods. "Ah, so, for the first time you're bored?" He chuckled, setting the water can down next to his bed and walking to his little brother in the living room. 

The nerd grinned, agreeing with Leo. "Yeah, I guess this is where I realized that I want more in life... you know?"

"Yeah." Leo sat next to his brother on the couch. "Dad says we have a choice, but we all know it's a nerve-racking decision, Don-- being human."

"Right," Don replied. "Even if I found someone to be with, it wouldn't be right."

"How so?"

"Well, think about this," Donnie paused. "If I found a-a...a human girl, it would be selfish of me to be with her because then she wouldn't be able to live her best life up there. I won't be able to provide for her and... I just wish I could be up there all of the time."

Leo understood, but he feared that if his brothers became human, then that would be the opportunity for them to officially split up which scared Leo. He grew up with three brothers and they haven't gone separate ways. Even if the choice Donnie wanted was possible, he wouldn't want Donnie to try to go up to the top... which makes Leo selfish, too. "I get it, Don... But, we're gonna have dinner here, soon. Cheer up." He pats Don's shoulder before getting up from the couch.

"Right," Donnie says. "Dinner..."

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