Chapter 1

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"Oh!" I hear my mom shriek in surprise as she opens my door. I quickly grab my shirt and pulled it on. Lucas shoved me off of him before dropping onto the floor and quickly dressed.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to barge in." My mom said, containing her laughter of how Lucas and I handled the situation. I cleared my throat and smiled at her, walking towards her. 

"I just wanted to let you know before I go to work that money is an envelope downstairs for food and there's some laundry that needs to be done." She quickly explained and kissed my forehead before rushing out of my room. I sighed before closing my door and turned to Lucas. He raises his eyebrow at me before grabbing my waist and covering my face with his sweet kisses. 

"Not right now, Luke. I have to get to class." I chuckle, trying to pull him away which only made him tighten his grip. He smelled my hair and kissed me once again before letting go. I loved his touch, but something inside of me have always made me yearn for more. Something that he didn't obtain. Although I never speak of it and just shrug it off like it's nothing, the feeling never leaves me.

"Have fun, baby. I'll miss you." He said before placing a big kiss onto my cheek. I giggled and pecked his lips. Nodding, I let myself out of his grip and grabbed my bag and left downstairs. He followed me as I went into the kitchen to shove the envelope into my bag and grab myself an apple. 

"When can I come over again? Or do you want to come over to my place sometime?" He asked, taking a bite out of my apple as we both left my house and I locked it behind me. I walked towards my 2015 Honda Civic and he walked towards his Nissan GT-R. Yep. Since Lucas Amador is an only child, he gets to have anything he desires for. His parents do everything in their will to get every single thing that he desires for, even if it was to have a piece of Angelina Jolie's hair. They would break into her home and pluck it right off her scalp just for him. That was Mr. and Mrs. Amador for you. 

"I can't tonight. My English class will end at 6:15 and I have to work on my project for Chemistry," I explained, stopping at his car and taking his hands. He sighed and nodded. 

"Okay then, hon. Do what you gotta do. I just wish I got to see you one last time before the day ends," He whispered, giving me a peck on the lips as I smiled. I nodded, "I know, but tomorrow, okay?" 

"Okay. I'll see you then. I love you." He said. I slightly nodded and let go of his hands and walked towards my car. I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes before he quickly changed his expression back to his loving, typical self. What could I do? I didn't love him. Not yet anyways, I hope. I didn't want to force myself into loving him. It takes some time, but for me, it's going to take more than just "some time" because that was how I was. I was the type to not fall in love so quickly. That may be good, but I was also the one to not fall out of love so quickly either. Lucas and I have been dating for a year and a half already. I remember when he told me he first loved me as clear as daylight. 

"Look! That was a shooting star!" I exclaimed, laughing as his hand slid around my waist as we sat on the thin layer of cloth that separated us from the sand. The ocean was calm and the cold air slightly brushed past us. I shuddered and laid my head on Lucas' shoulder. He took this as an invitation to draw me closer to him. There was a long, comfortable silence before he softly spoke out my name. I lifted my head up to look at him and asked, "Yes, Lucas?"

There was another long silence before he chuckled and looked down at the ground.

"Why is this so hard?" He asked, chuckling once again and looked up at the sky. I watched his every move patiently, waiting for what he had to say to me. When he finally gathered up the courage to speak his mind, his face became serious and he looked straight into my hazelnut eyes.

"You're so beautiful, Elle. I just wish that I can stop time so this moment never ends," he softly whispers to me, placing his warm hand on my cheek. I smiled at him and waited for him to continue. 

"I just... I just wanted to say happy one year anniversary. We've been through so much together and I hope that whatever obstacle I face in the near future, I hope that you're right next to me," he continues, chuckling slightly, "I'm sorry. I'm no good at this but I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He leaned in to give me a heartwarming kiss on the lips before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you," he whispers, trying not to stutter that words out. I knew this moment was coming. Lucas was one to fall in love so easily. He loved me. At that moment, I just slightly opened my mouth, looking at him. When he realized that I wasn't going to say it back, his face was filled with hurt but was quickly replaced with a happy expression. Forcing a smile on his lips, he threw his arm around me and slowly swayed.

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