Chapter 4

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"You did what?!" Lucas angrily asked, trying his best to not yell. I flinched at the tone of his voice and I softly touched his arm. 

"Lucas," I whispered, "I'm so sorry. Please.." Please what? Forgive me? No way would he. I lied to him yesterday and went out to go party at Zander's. 

"I knew that Zander had a party last night, but I didn't know you'd go. I texted you. Why didn't you reply back?" He said with hurt in his eyes as he turned his back to me.

"I'm sorry.. Lucas-"

"Gabrielle. You told me you were going to study and work on your Chemistry project. Why'd you lie to me?" He interrupted. I looked down and tears started to form in my eyes.

"Lucas, I told you already.. I'm sorry.." I apologized once again. I heard a heavy sigh before he turned around to face me again.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. First you ignore my texts, then you go to a party without even telling me. You lied, Gabrielle." He spoke harshly. I tried to grab his hand but he dodged it. I tried again and this time, he didn't resist. 

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I really am. This won't happen again. I promise." I told him, stepping closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, closing the gap between us. I rested my left cheek against his chest, listening to his beating heart as he stood there with his arms by his side, his muscles still tense. There was a long silence before he scoffed and slightly pushed me away, creating a gap between us yet again.

"No, Gab," he started, rubbing his eyes, "You lied to me. What do I do to you? Am I not good enough? That you have to lie your way to go to some damn party?" He asked, raising his voice slightly.

"Do you not want to be seen with me so bad that you have to make up an excuse?" He continued, stepping closer to me. I looked at him, my eyes filled with guilt as I shook my head, "No, Lucas! That's so ridiculous! It--"

"Drop it," he sternly says, turning around and storming off. I sighed and quickly followed behind him. I called out his name but he did not stop. 

"Oh, you're telling me to drop it?" I yelled while following him into the living room. He whips around and looks down at my small figure.

"I meant drop your stupid excuses. I don't want to hear it. You lied. This isn't something I can easily forgive you for," he told me. I scoffed and looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

"You won't even let me explain!" 

"You're not even explaining! You're just finding excuses to cover yourself up!"

"Lucas! I said I was sorry!" 

He gave me a cold look before shaking his head, focusing his eyes on something other than my eyes.

"Sorry doesn't cover up the fact that you--"

"Lied. Yeah, babe. You said that over a thousand times already. I get it. I know I lied. God." I finish off for him, annoyed as I throw my hands up in the air to show my frustration towards this argument. He narrows his eyes on me and crosses his arms.

"I don't understand why the hell you're mad. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm pissed that you lied to me. I don't give a damn about the party, but if you were planning going, you could've at least told me instead of ignoring my damn texts all yesterday and decide to show up, at my house, after the goddamn party to come clean to me," he rants. 

I close my eyes for a moment and sigh heavily. Before I could reply, he swiftly turns around and starts walking off. I roll my eyes and follow after him. I called out his name once again but he didn't bother to stop at all.

Until he did and that's when I didn't have enough time to react, bumping into his hard chest, making me fall. But before my butt can collide with the hard ground, his strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him. The coldness and anger still perfectly visible in his eyes.

"Be careful," he scolded before letting me go and gave me one last glance before walking off. I sighed heavily and decided that I should give him some time to cool off before talking to him again. To be honest, I shouldn't even feel upset towards him for not forgiving me so easily. It was my fault and I should face the ugly truth. How stupid was I to always expect Lucas to forgive me in a split second every time I do something wrong. Purposely or not. 

Looking once again towards the direction he left inside his home, I decided to grab my car keys and phone from the kitchen table before walking out of his house and drove off back home. 

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