Chapter 1

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I stared at the lady as she handed me a silver ring of keys, each with different runes inscribed on them.

"What is this for?" I asked.

She just gave me a blank stare, one that can only be mastered over years of having the same job dealing with people that annoy you. She sighed like I was the biggest idiot of all the worlds. "This is your ring of keys. They open portals that will take you to the places you have to go. There are preselected keys that you are given, however you may find some at shops."

"But, how can I use them?" I asked, starting to get frustrated. I didn't like this women's attitude. I could feel anger building up inside me, but I took a deep breath and pushed it down.

"You say your mystic name, and then trace the rune in the air with your key. Then jab it into the rune, turn it, and the portal should form. Now I have other people to register, so please move ahead."

I scowled at her but walked away. All around me I could see people walking into booths, shouting out names, and then bursts of light. Groups of friends were gathering, and I realized I must look like a lonely loser. I shouldered my bag, and walked towards a booth, keeping my head down.

The booth was dark besides the little bit of light filtering through the edge of the curtains. Determined to do this right, I took off the silver key with the rune that said "Academy" and clipped the ring and remaining keys onto my belt. I took a deep breath, my jaw set. "Burning Darkness!" I shouted and traced the rune in the air. I used long, elegant strokes, and the rune held in the air, casting a faint orange glow around the booth. I thrust my hand into the middle and turned the key. A blinding light flashed and a portal floated in front of me.

Through it I could see a gleaming white castle, and loads of students walking towards it. It seemed odd to me, though I couldn't figure out why. I decided I had to go through now and think about it later. I looked through, shrugged, and stepped inside.

A second blinding light appeared and within a second I was standing on solid ground in front of the castle entrance and the portal was gone.

I looked around, wanting to take in my surroundings. Directly across from the castle was a glistening pond, and beyond that was a forest. I could see an archery field to the right, and cabins and stalls containing who know's what were off to the left.

I glanced at the sky, and realized it was high noon. I oughta get to the entrance ceremony. I wouldn't want to miss it. I thought, and turned to head to the front gates.

That was, until a light pink haired girl came hurtling at me.

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